Chapter V - Trying To Work Things Out

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(M/n) looked at Bill with shock. Did he just pull him in here? Where was he?! He wanted to ask a million questions but Bill walked towards him and motioned him to sit down. Oh yeah, he forgot he was small. Sitting down, he scooted away from Bill.

"Where am I?" He asked. Bill groaned as if he knew he was going to ask that and walked closer to him. "This time, I have no answers. I've been stuck here since you showed up here in Gravity Falls." He explained, anger sticking to his voice. (M/n) got scared and ended up standing and backing away. The demon noticed and took a deep breath.

"All I know is that your physical body is probably knocked out cold while your mental self is here talking to me."


"Jeez, kid. You got loud strong vocal chords. It's going to be fine-"

"Oh god, my Dad will be worried sick! What am I going to tell him once I-"

"CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME TALK?!" Bill screamed as his form turned red and white, signalling his anger. (M/n)'s eyes widened and tears began to prickle in them. He trembled and sat back down, bringing his knees in his chest. Bill saw this and turned yellow and black again. He tried walking towards him but the whimpers made him pull back. He rubbed the back of his nonexistent neck.

"Sorry. I just...snapped." He apologized. The apology surprised (M/n) and made him look up, his messy (H/c) hair covering most of his face. A demon can actually say 'Sorry?' He tore away from his gaze and ducked his head back in his knees.

"Why am I here? Why do you keep pulling me in these 'Scape' thingies?" He asked, his tone fearful. He wanted to know why this was even happening. This all happened just a day ago! What was even going on with this town? Bill sat down with him.

"I want you to become my apprentice. Trust me, saying that makes my nonexistent heart burn. But I can't call off the deal until I fully get my powers back. And the only way to get them back is by teaching someone." He explained.

(M/n) tilted his head in confusion. "Wait, if you're gonna teach me without powers, how am I even gonna learn them without examples?" He asked. Bill got his hat and wiped some dust away. "Easy. Work hard. Real hard." He said, staring boredly at the mortal.

This was definitely out of (M/n)'s comfort zone. Why would he even consider making a deal with a demon who once had all impossible powers? And he probably wanted to take revenge on the town. All of this new information swirled in his head like a tornado. What can he do to help Bill but also keep the town safe from another Armageddon?

"So, what's the first thing I have to do with this 'apprenticeship'?" (M/n) asked, standing up. Bill wobbled on his feet and crossed his arms. "I'm gonna teach you how to float. Since we're supposedly bounded together, some of my traits were probably transported to you to enable you to awaken your powers."

The triangular demon began to bark orders at the (H/c) haired male, which surprised him. First, he was supposed to jump as high as he could. Kinda easy. (M/n) thought. He began jumping, but suddenly remembered he didn't have that much stamina and started to pant at the 7th jump. Bill kept telling him to jump until he reached 50.

When he was done, (M/n) crashed to the 'floor' and panted heavily. He couldn't think properly. "Come on, to the next step." Bill said, walking over to him. The human male glared at him and said, "I don't have a lot of energy, you know?" His voice was laced with venom as he said his words, pants interrupting some of them.

"Yeesh, when I possessed Pine Tree, it was much worse because he was such a weakling. But I did underestimate him. With his sister, nothing can beat them. Well, except me." Bill said, almost like a smile was curling up his lips. If he had any. (M/n) closed his eyes took a minute to process what Bill was talking about. Pine Tree. Of course he was talking about Dipper. And the sister was Mabel. So they really did fight him. If (M/n) found out about Gravity Falls sooner, he would've wanted to help the twins in their adventures. He sighed.

"So I really did make a deal with the same demon Dipper and Mabel fought. I'm an idiot." He said to himself, hoping the demon would hear. Fortunately, he did and he glared at (M/n).

"Hey, you're doing yourself a favor. Someday, working with me might pay off. You and I get to have powers and we'll take over the world once you get that incantation out of Sixer's mind-" Bill was cut off by (M/n) standing up and clenched his fists.

"No." He deadpanned. Bill's eye widened and he resisted the urge to rage again. (M/n) began to talk again.

"I don't want to cause an Armageddon like you did. I just want you to get back your powers but not hurt anyone or anything."

Bill snapped.

"WHAT?! I've been trapped in my god forsaken dimension for billions of years and when I finally got out 4 years ago, I was stopped by a family of weirdoes! You think I like being this way?! I just want some powet for once! I just want to find someplace where I can call...I can call..."

His voice faltered and he muttered something inaudible under his breath. (M/n) couldn't hear it but he was sure the words were laced with painful sadness. He saw tears flooding Cipher's eye and he wanted to wipe it away. That feeling inside him was somehow tempting him to comfort the demon and tell him that everything was going to be okay. Even if he wasn't sure. (M/n) slowly got over to Bill's side and hugged him. He felt tiny hands grip his shirt and tears making his shirt damp. He never knew a demon could be so...human.

They pulled away and Bill fixed his tie and faking a cough. "This was stupid. But thanks. I'm gonna return you to Reality, ok?" He said, his hands already covered in blue flames. (M/n) stood up and nodded.

Once again, blue flames engulfed him and he felt the feeling of grass on his face. He blinked his eyes twice before sitting up, noticing the sky having traces of pink but still keeping its indigo and blue background.

It was morning.

He immidiately stood up and got his bag. Once he got it, he dashed in a straight line and somehow, he got home in less than a minute. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door. The door slammed open and Dad was there with bloodshot eyes and deep bags. He engulfed (M/n) in a back-crushing bear hug and cried on his shoulder.

"Oh god, I thought I lost you too, (M/n)! Where were you? What happened to your face and why do you have bandages on your arms?! I want answers now!" He practically screamed while gripping his shoulders. (M/n) laughed nervously and put his hands away.

"I'll tell you once where inside. But for now..." He trailed off, looking back at the woods. Did Bill...? No. It couldn't be. Probably just mere coincidence. The two walked back in the house, not noticing eyes trailing on their backs.

*~Bill's Point of View~*

Bill laid in the void, completely weak from bringing (M/n) back to his Dad. It took all his energy to do it and now he could pass out again any moment. Before closing his eye, he hoped that the kid would be able to forgive him for blowing a nerve like that. He sighed and closed his eye, immediately passing out.

That feeling in his 'heart' was starting to annoy him.

Hai! So I tend to try and avoid Author's Notes in these kind of stories because I know ya'll don't read them sometimes, but I was busy with school so I couldn't find the right time to update. But I finally found some time and used for this. Hoped you enjoyed it. Also, guess the feeling the two are feeling in their chests. Anyway, bai!

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