Sequel? Spin-Off? New Story???

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So, yeah, I gave up on the epilogues. I'm sorry but, I don't feel like doing them anymore, even thought I originally planned to add them. Yeah, I'm a bad author.

So to say sorry for that, I'm deciding whether or not I should make a spin-off. (lowkey wanting it to be Reverse Bill//shot) Maybe of Dipper?? I kinda made him a douche here.

Also, I don't even know if it's gonna be connected to the original fanfic?? Like, it's just a Dipper x Male!Reader, nothing new. But it would be interesting if I made it Reverse!Bill (Probs even Seme Male Reader//shot again)

So! Which is it going to be?

Ordinary Dipper
Will Cipher

The results will be posted next Sunday. Hope you guys have fun~


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