IMPORTANT Last Word From Boredom + NEWS

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So that was it, huh? I finished making Bill's Apprentice T-T Holy shit, I might cry. Anyway, that was the end, and I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I did. (Hehe, I achieved my goal of making all of you cry. Hehe, I'm a bad author XD)

So, the last chapter was practically my gift for you guys for Valentines XD And WAIT, there's MORE! Get ready guys because...

SURPRISE! I'm making three epilogues! :333 So it'll be, 2 Fluff Epilogues and 1 Smut Epilogue (Although, I was planning to make this story, FLUFF only) I have answered your prayers and will be making a Smut chapter because you guys were so insistent on it XD And I bet you guys will die of cuteness in one of the Fluff epilogues.

Anyway, I never really thought I'd actually finish a story. Never had that in mind. But now, I actually finished one of my stories, which is very surprising to me. This story was made by pure boredom.

Making this story was a privelage to me. I got to see my writing improve, I got to see my readers' reactions (Which all made me happy), and I actually got the attention I wanted and needed. Actually, if it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't be here writing this and I never would've finished the story. So, thank you guys :3

Also, I did this in my last author's note, but I want all of you guys to write down what you thought of the story down the comments. Which part made you squeal so hard. Which part made you cry. Which part made you laugh so hard. Everything. I want to hear each word. So, if you want, call me out and tell me everything that made you love this story.

Anyway, I think that's all I have to say. Thanks and the epilogues will be awaiting ;)

May the gay be with you,


Bill's Apprentice//Male!Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now