Chapter I

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*Flints POV*

            "Where is the Alpha?" he bellowed out into the clearing, "I wish to stake a challenge against him." he let the effects of his words sink into the slowly gathering crowd. It wasn't an overly large pack, but a pack nonetheless.  What this man was really after were the seven females that this pack had under protection.

            "I am the Alpha." I said stepping past one of the Omegas.

            "Ha! You? This is an insult! So young an Alpha, barely in your twenties I would presume?"

            "I'm nineteen, actually." I shifted nervously.

            "Seems like I have given you too much credit then, young Alpha."

            "Technically I'm not the Alpha, I'm just filling in while he's away on business."

            "And why, pray tell, did he leave someone as scrawny as you in charge? Surely there are other more, suitable candidates?" he said while gazing around at the other males, especially the ones with broader muscles.

            "I don't question my Alpha." I stood firm and strong, "Have you come to fight, or merely to bore me with your words?"

            "To fight, but I shall make you a deal, stand down and I won't kill you."

            "I will not, it's a fight you came for and a fight you will get."

            He smirked, "So be it." I turned around to prepare. This would mark my first real battle against a foreign wolf. The pack was standing in a large oval shape, ready to observe.

            "Flint! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

            "Defending our pack, what does it look like?"

            "Suicide. He's at least twice your size and a trained fighter."

            "The Alpha put me in charge, I will not disappoint him."

            "He will kill you! Just stand down Flint, no one will blame you." I took off my shirt and placed it on a low hanging branch.

            "I will blame me."

            "And what if you die, what then?"

            "Then I will have tried." Adam just looked at me. He was one of the strongest fighters of our pack, and my best friend.

            "Flint, I, just..." he pulled me into a hug, "you will always be my brother." he let go and joined the spectators. I made my way to the near middle of the oval and faced the man that would soon take my life. The trees swayed in the early afternoon breeze, the gush of wind continued towards us. I put my head up and faced the sky and closed my eyes. I was going to die.

            "This is your last chance to back out." I turned back to him at the sound of his voice. With his shirt off, I could truly appreciate the work that he put into his muscles. I crouched low to the ground.

            "I will not run away." he dived for me, but I suspected as much. Twisting slightly to the left I brought my knee up and caught him in the stomach, while my left hand balled into a fist and punched in the side of his head. I danced away before he could counter my attacks. He rushed me again, this time I took a step back and fell backwards, my heel connected with his jaw as I placed my hands over my head and on the ground, flipping myself over. I landed in a crouch and waited for his next advance.

            "Seems like I greatly underestimated you," he was panting slightly, blood gushing from his burst lip, "no more holding back then eh?" he disappeared, there was a slight woosh sound then he just, vanished. I stood up, not sure what had just happened, I took a cautious step to were he previously was, whispers were shared all around, until one of our females screamed. I knew he was directly behind me before I actually sensed it, but my body reacted too late/ One hand reached around my jaw, the other at the back of my head, and everything just faded out to black.

*End POV*

            The cracking of Flint's neck echoed all around the trees. His eyes became sightless, his body limp. He had managed to bring his arms up to pry loose the challenger's hands, but now to did his arms dangle uselessly by his sides. The challenger let him fall to the ground, he landed with a soft thud, unmoving. He looked out at the terrified faces of the pack, his pack. Some of them were trembling at having watched one of their own die right before them.

            "My children." he spread his arms wide as if in welcoming.

            "NO! Flint!" Adam had rushed out to get to him, to see if there was any way to help his friend. Just as he was about to reach him, the challenger back-handed him across the face, he spun around and hit the ground hard. The challenger then picked him up by the back of his throat and threw him in the pack, knocking over a few of the males who tried to catch him.

            "I AM ALPHA! You will answer to-" cracking noises could be heard from behind him, he turned around in time to see Flint sit up. He slowly stood and placed his hands on his knees, he lifted his head to look at the man who killed him in the eyes.

            "You're not the only one with tricks up your sleeve."

*Flint's POV*

            He was too shocked that he didn't start reacting to my punches until the third one caught him in the nose. It was punch after kick after block after kick. The battle wore well into the afternoon. The shadows were getting longer, the light fading as the sun started to set. The challenger's punches were getting weaker, his blocks getting slower, I was wearing him down. My punches on the other hand, were as strong as ever, a new energy I seemed to of found.

            He made another crack at my jaw, but completely missed, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into my awaiting fist. He stumbled back covering his face with his hands, it was time to end this. Seizing the opportunity, I jumped to his chest, placing my knees on shoulders I grabbed his head and twisted. He stopped struggling immediately. I jumped back and let his body fall to the ground, an eye for an eye. I turned to face my pack, as I was doing so, a strong pain shot through my body, exhaustion had finally hit me. I stumbled a few steps backwards and collapsed next to the man I had just killed. My head flopped sideways so that I was staring into his eyes, fear and defeat still lingered.

            Everything was completely silent, not a bird called, nor did the mice scurry, even the wind had hushed itself. I shifted my gaze so I was staring at the sky. Pink and purple clouds floated over me, the sky turning a deep orange which faded off to dark blue towards the west. Adam stepped into my line of vision and extended his hand out to me, I took it gratefully. He helped me to my feet with mild difficulty. Still holding onto my hand he looked me in the eyes for a moment then nodded. He grabbed my wrist and thrust my arm into the air. "WE HAVE OUR CHAMPION!" his voice cut through the silence like a razor. The pack erupted with applause and cheers, even a few howls. A grin as big as the moon made itself present on my face, the face of a champion. At that point we all sensed it, the Alpha was home.

            He didn't look a day over 45 but we all knew he was much older. Blaine, our pack's Alpha was a very solemn man, but a great leader. He slowly made his way towards the body still at my feet. A hush came over us all, Adam stepped back while I bowed and kneeled.

            "I protected your pack by killing him, sir."

            "I see, I am very proud of you Flint." he studied his face, "This man was the Alpha of Hanging Rock pack," I stood, I didn't know what he was trying to say. "and by wolf law, since you killed him, the duty of Alpha is passed to you, Alpha Flint." my eyes widened.

            "I'm a what!?"

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