Chapter II

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            "An Alpha, leader of the pack, role model for the other males, protector of your females." he droned on as if explaining how to swim to a fish.

            "I can't be Alpha!"

            "Why not, you just killed one, therefore you are one."

            "B-but Alpha Blaine I -" he held up a hand to silence me.

            "I am no longer your Alpha, we are now equals." he lowered his hand to shake mine, I didn't take it.

            The sun had almost set, my pack, no sorry, his pack were getting restless, the shift was going to happen soon, or maybe it was because I had already started to smell foreign.

            "We're not equals!" I had looked up to Blaine my entire life, he had raised me since I was a pup, cared for me and taught me everything that I know, the thought of us being equals frightened me, it wasn't natural, or at least it just didn't feel right, that and the fact that he's my dad.

            "The transition to Alpha is almost complete. You fought an Alpha, you won, you are now Alpha of Hanging Rock pack." he was starting to get annoyed, I could feel his wolf stirring, though he never showed any outward signs.

            "And what if I refuse?"

            "Then you just wait around for another Were to kill you and take over."

            "So my choices are either die or become Alpha? This isn't fair!" having a teenage tantrum is a great image for an Alpha I'm sure.

            "You are already an Alpha," now he was starting to show some outward signs, the pack made haste to prepare for the shift as they sensed his anger, "or if you really want to, you can stand down, when somebody challenges you." I turned around to face the pack.

            "Any takers?" I felt a hand slap the back of my head, hard. "OW! I thought you said that we were equals!" I said while rubbing my now throbbing head.

            "I am still your father." he sighed "Flint, you can do this, why do you think I chose you to look after the pack?" I thought for a moment.

            "Because you have too much faith in me and you're slightly biast?" he laughed, a good hearty laugh.

            "Maybe, come with me. Adam, you have my permission to take the pack." he said turning to him. If my father or I were ever unavailable, Adam would act as Alpha.

            "Yes sir." he looked at me for a split second, worry haunting his features. He barked a few commands, the sounds of ripping flesh and cracking bones filled the air. With the shift complete, they padded out towards the trees and broke into a run, as silent as the wind.

            My father led me towards the pack house, merely a cabin on the outside, but it was a whole different world inside. Sure when you walked through the cabin it seemed fairly basic, but in fact it was several stories, below ground. He decided to just take me into the living room. It was a fairly large room, three comfy chairs around the fire place and book shelves covered the walls. He took the seat closest to the fire place and motioned for me to take the one opposite. When I was a pup I'd sit on his knee and he'd tell me everything from fairy tales to pack law to politics for hours on end.

            "I haven't really told you about your mother now have I."

            "Yes, that she died giving birth to me."

            "That is how she died, I have never told you of her life prior. Mainly because it was always too painful for me to speak of, but also because I didn't want you to find out things that I hadn't deemed you ready for." I had never been curious about my mother, all I ever knew was that she died, end of story, but now I had moved to the edge of my seat, leaning forward and willing to drink in any information that my father gave me. "First of all, you are not a pure blood, your mother was neither Were, nor human."

            "I'm... what?" my brain was having trouble keeping up with his words, slowly the clicked into place. "Then what -"

            "A witch. This is why you have survived the un-survivable. When she fell pregnant, we knew that you wouldn't be able to keep up with the other pure bloods, that you would have struggled merely to survive. It was unlikely that you would even survive the birth." my head was spinning, my chest heaving. "She loved you so much, she wanted you to live. For eight months, she performed rituals to help strengthen you while you were still growing, to give you the ability to survive against the odds." he paused, giving me a minute to digest. "She also knew that she was going to die when she learned of the pregnancy. She was very strong minded," a tear escaped him, "but she had a very weak body. She knew she wouldn't be able to handle the birth." he locked my gaze onto his, "This is why I chose you to take care of the pack, you survive things others can't. Since the day you were born I knew that someday you would be Alpha." he sat back and waited for my response. I ran my fingers through my hair, spiking it up in any which ways, racking my brains for something to say, something of importance and significance.

            "This is fucked up!" my father gawked at me.

            "How dare you utter such language!" he said finding his voice again.

            "Do you honestly expect me to take all this in stride?!" I stood up and started pacing. "Why didn't you tell me any of this before hand?"

            "You weren't ready, and by the looks of it you're still not." I gave up pacing and squatted on the floor, burying my head in my hands.

            "I don't want to be Alpha, I'm not ready. I don't even have a mate. I don't even know the wolves I will be Alpha to." I heard the creak of the chair as my father stood and moved towards me. He crouched down and put his arms around me.

            "If you really need to, you can always take the third option and stand down when a challenger comes looking for the title, but right now, there is pack out there in need of their Alpha." I looked up and faced him.

            "What was my mother's name?" he smiled.

            "Lillith. She was so beautiful." he pulled out a slightly crumpled picture from his trouser pocket. "This is her." he handed the photo to me. There was my dad looking slightly younger, and next to him was a woman hugging his shoulder and smiling, my mother.

            "She is beautiful." she was blonde like me, we shared the same eyes and complexion, blue and fair.

            "You can keep the photo, you won't be seeing me as much now that you're an Alpha, it will be seen as a threat if either of us are on each other's territories. I can always reclaim you if you hand over the duty."

            I knew what was coming. We stood in unison and we faced each other. He put one hand on my forehead and the other on my heart.

            "Good luck, my son." The sense of being alone hit me first, then the intense fear and hatred of being in another Alpha's presence as his hands left me. He had mentally ripped away all my ties with the pack, I still had all of my memories, but it all just felt, wrong. Our wolves clashed, both trying to break free so they could rip the other apart. I ran, bursting through the door and out into the night. I needed to be out of his territory, it didn't smell safe, I needed to get out, now. Placing the photograph between my teeth, I shifted, letting my wolf take me wherever I needed to go, to the pack, my pack.

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