Waking up

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Tyler's POV

I woke up in my bed. I tried to sit up but there was a sharp pain in my stomach and I cried out in pain. Josh ran in with a worried expression on his face.


"Yeah Ty?"

"W-what happened? Why does my stomach and wrist hurt?"

Josh looked down at the ground, and I figured he wouldn't tell me so I looked for myself. And there laid three gashes all the way across my stomach and three on my wrist.

I froze I had no words for what was there. I felt my eyes start to water, I looked away from Josh so he wouldn't see. But he already saw my watery eyes. Josh came forward and carefully brought me into a hug. I hugged back best I could and cried into Josh's shoulder. It was as if my eyes were turned into small waterfalls.

I guess I fell asleep because I woke up around 5:37 in the afternoon. I didnt see Josh anywhere so I figured he had left. I managed to drag myself out of bed and get to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection, I look horrible. I ran some water for a bath even though I dont like them, I can't stand for a shower.

After my bath I went downstairs to see Josh cooking I was amazed that he was still here and cooking.

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