This book might end soon

15 3 0

Tyler's POV

I woke up the next morning to see Josh's body was absent. Was it all a dream? I asked myself.

I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, and proceeded to the kitchen. I saw my mom cooking pancakes and Josh sitting at the table. The image made me smile. I walked up behind Josh and hugged him.

"Good morning babe." I told him sweetly.

"Good morning." He replied.

I sat next to him and my mom smiled at me and brought me a plate of pancakes. I smaled and thanked her before putting a slab of butter and drowed them in syrup.

The pancakes were amazing, but all good things must come to an end, and I ate all my pancakes, I finished before Josh. I waited for him to finish, but he took forever. I got dressed for work, and Josh got ready too. He decided to drive me to and from work today. I told him I was planning on moving into an apartment soon, and that I had found one already.

Josh parked and we went inside, he told me to surprise him with something new. I made him a French Vanilla Cappachino and brought it to him. He smiled at me with that cute smile that goes all the way up to his eyes.

Josh finished his drink and left, waving to me as he left.

This love will hurt when it ends.

The Cøffee Shøp // JøshlerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora