This Love Will Hurt When It Ends

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Tyler's POV

One year later

Josh and I had been dating for a year now. Josh called me over to his place to hang out, I was on my way, halfway there when I got a bad feeling in my gut, I ignored it.

I arrived at my boyfriends place and knocked on the door. He answered with a nervous expression plastered onto his beautiful face.

"Hey, Josh, is everything OK?"

Josh looked down and invited me in.

"Ty, we need to talk." I felt nauseous and nodded for him to continue talking. "OK, well, I've been thinking for a while," oh god here it comes I thought to myself he's breaking up with us, he didn't love me, it was all a lie. Josh continued, "maybe we need to see other people."

I nodded. I got up walked out the door, I couldn't hear, everything was spinning I was crying, I got into my car knowing I shouldn't drive in this condition. I sped home ignoring stop lights, it was close to midnight anyways.

When I arrived at my apartment. I went to the bathroom. I took out my medication for depression and anxiety. I had recently cotton them refilled so they were relatively full. I emptied both bottles out onto the counter and counted the pills.

50. That's enough to kill.

I got a glass of water and took every pill two at a time. It took me about 10 or 15 minutes to take them all.

I felt dizzy. And weak. I was going to die tonight, and I'm ok with it.

Everything started to fade, I'm on the ground now, I don't know how I got there. I crawled into my room quickly and wrote a note.


I love you, and I always will.

- Tyler

P.S. don't forget about me.

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