I Write Poems, Not Music

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Tyler POV

"Josh? W-what are you doing?"

"Making us food. Do you like spaghetti and meatballs?"

"Uhm, yea. But y'know, Josh, you don't have to make food."

"I know, but I wanted to."

I smiled at him, he is so kind. And cute too. No I'm straight... I think.

I stayed in the kitchen waiting for Josh to finish cooking.

Once he and I ate Josh went back to his home, and I stayed at mine. It wasn't too bad until blurryface came along.

He doesn't care about you. Stop it, he does care about me as a friend! Josh and I are friends and only friends. But you want it to be more than friends. He doesn't like me that way. You're right, who could love you? You're insane, stupid, ugly. I could go on but that would take too long. Stop it.

By now tears were streaming down my face like waterfalls. I grabbed my notebook and began to write, as I always do in these moments.

You walk around like you are fine
So confident in life, so right
But then I found you were afraid
And that means life is not okay

I wonder what's inside your mind
And if there's anything to find
I hope that you awake some day
And see that life is not okay

I will sing for you a song
Tell me if you think that's wrong
If I let you know I'm here
'cause I am falling down

I would laugh away the pain
Did you know I'd run all day
Just to maybe hear you say
That you are falling too

I know you are afraid of many things
But you need to let go 
If you want to sing a praise

I will sing for you a song
Tell me if you think that's wrong
If I let you know I'm here
'cause I am falling down

I would laugh away the pain
Did you know I'd run all day
Just to maybe hear you say
That you are falling too

I will sing for you 
I will sing for you

The Cøffee Shøp // JøshlerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora