The mark of a Traitor

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Kashara had a major issue to solve now. She needed food. Desperately. And she had no idea how to get back to her rooms. Also there was this teensy problem of Fallon probably finding her missing for nearly four hours.

So really, the most important thing now was to, ... find some food, with a capital F! Never let it be said that she, Kashara had her priorities wrong. She knew her dinner was probably waiting back for her, pretty cold and bland by now, but there was no way she was going to venture back into the kitchen and get caught by that head chef.

She tried to stumble upon her room, like heroines often did when they were running away from monsters, she had read books after all, but sadly she must be a really bad at this because she could feel like she was just aimlessly wandering around. 'Okay Kashara, you are asking the next person for directions." She told herself, half hoping no one came at all. As you probably realised by now, Kashara wasn't what you would call an extrovert.

It seemed fate liked her particularly, or hated her, because someone did turn into the corridor. Eraiek Tisorne. Kashara's eyes widened and she gave a sigh of relief. "Eraiek!" She called out and waved her hand at him, perhaps a bit too exuberantly. Eraiek stilled, startled, and looked up finally spotting her. He gave an easy smile that would have made many women swoon and walked over to her.

"Kashara? What are you doing here so late?" He peered at her. She could find a trace of suspicion in his eyes but they soon disappeared. "Oh, I was hungry and tried to look for the kitchen, but I got lost." She said sheepishly. She didn't want to reveal anything now when she was still confused. Her end game was to get back, and it was highly likely Eraiek wouldn't help her, if he had to go against his nephew.

Kashara knew she had to hold her cards close to her heart, for now. Till she found out who would actually help her. She had to learn of the history between Eraiek and Fallon, and why Fallon hated Eraiek so much.

They were now walking along in silence, while Eraiek kept glancing at her every few minutes. She opened her mouth to break the silence. "So,...Done any baking lately?" She asked, cringing at how weird that sounded.

"You really liked my buns huh?" Eraiek teased and Kashara fought the ridiculous blush that started to rise. It appeared Eraiek had no idea of his innuendo as he stared at her in mild confusion. She shook herself and replied, " Umm, erhmhmm, yes, they were really good. Really, erhm good..." A slow smirk formed on Eraiek's face and he asked, " Yeah, glad you liked it, and by chance did you like the buns you ate too?

Kasahra spluttered and choked on her own saliva. "What?!" She whirled around to face Eraiek who had his hands in the air, and teasing smile on his face. " Just kidding. Relax..." He said calmly. Kashara huffed at him then turned back.

"So, how are you liking Demitytes so far?" He asked.

"It's...interesting." She finally said, wondering if to offend or not.

"Come on, tell me the truth. I can see it that you want to go home." He said.

Kashara took a deep breath in. Was it possible? " Yes. Of course I want to go home." She replied. She could feel her voice shake.

"But?" He prompted.

"There is no but!" She replied immediately, scandalised. However a tiny voice inside her spoke softly. But Fallon...that kiss...Kashara immediately quelled the dangerous line of thought.

"Is it something to do with Fallon?" Eraiek asked intuitively and helpfully. "Not helpfully!" Kashara scowled to herself but pounced on the topic to her advantage. "Fallon, is well, Fallon... Why does he hate you so much anyway?"

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