the break up

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This story is 100% in Taylor's POV

3rd of June

I feel bad already. I wish I had made it work, I'm so sorry Adam. I walk towards the park. I've always loved the fresh air. I think it'll help me think.

I walk quickly as I can, I face the ground. I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. I can't help it, it's just I don't even know. I bump into somebody and I begin to fall. I feel somebody's hand grab mine to stop me hitting the floor. "Sorry, are you ok?" a voice says, there's something about the voice, it's accent it sort of sounds familiar. "It's fine," I look up and my eyes meet Tom, from the met gala? "Tom Hiddleston?" I say a little surprised, "Taylor Swift?" Tom replies, "wow, I wasn't expecting to see you," I replied. I had manage to stop crying, I hope Tom hasn't noticed. "nor I you, it's been some time, I how have you been?" Tom asked. He looked at me in a funny way, oh dear. "Have you been crying?" Tom asked, I can't lie to him. How am I supposed to tell him I haven't been crying. "I, yes I have been," I admit, "do you want to talk about it?" Tom asks. I shake my head, I would really not like to talk about it. "Oh that's ok," Tom sounds a little disappointed, "I'm sorry, I just, I'm not ready to talk about it yet," I tell him, "no it's fine, would you mind terribly if I joined you though?" Tom asked, "I'd like that," I reply. Tom smiles. "Where are you going?" Tom asks, "the park, it helps me think," I reply. Tom nods his head in approval. "You never answered my question, so how have you been?" Tom asked, "I've been ok, I mean things have been a little crazy recently, you?" I reply, "things have been good, I can't stop thinking about the met gala," Tom tells me, "and that dance-off, nor can I," I agree. Tom smiles, I actually feel a lot happier now I've caught up with Tom I don't know what it is about him but you can't be anything but happy around him. We sit down at a park bench. It's really peaceful here. I turn to face Tom and spot a couple of photographers in the distance. Oh dear, if they spot this. I stand up. "I have to go," I tell Tom, "why?" Tom asks, "I just do," I reply. I don't want to explain about the photographers because then I would have to explain that I just broke up with Calvin. I quickly write my number down and hand it to Tom. "But call me yeah?" I say, I hope I hear from Tom again. I turn on my heels and begin to run back to my house. I have to be careful.

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