Cara Delevingne

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9th of June

Time is moving so slowly I just want it to be Sunday already, I'm just really excited and well, I don't know. I check my phone, one missed call from Tom. I call him back. "Hi Taylor," Tom's voice says, "hi, Tom, how are you?" I ask, "good, would you like to meet me for lunch," Tom asks, "yeah, sure, but you wouldn't mind driving out of town would you or somewhere less," I suggest, "yeah ok, shall I pick you up?" Tom asks, "yeah ok, when?" I reply, "is 7 ok?" Tom asks, "yep, 7 is good, I'll see you then," I answer, "see you then," Tom then hangs up. Ok so I have some time. I put some food out for Olivia and Meredith and walk out the house. I'm not sure what I should do, I mean I have 8 hours. I wonder if Selena or Cara are in town. I text Selena first. 'You wouldn't happen to be in LA?' I ask, she replies that she very sorry. I text Cara also, 'yes I am why?' Cara replies, 'I haven't got much to do, do you want to meet for lunch?' I reply, 'sure, where?' Cara asks, 'I don't know, I was really going to wing it' I reply, 'ok I'll meet you at the park? 12?' Cara replies, 'sounds good' I reply. I think I'll walk. I find a pair of boots and begin the walk. Luckily for me this takes up most of the hour. I sit on a park bench and am shortly joined by Cara. "Ok spill," Cara says, "what? What makes you think I have something to spill," I asks, "so you text me out of nowhere, you want to meet for lunch yet you have no plan, there's clearly something on your mind," Cara answers. She's sort of got me there. "I broke up with Calvin," I reply, "Oh Taylor," Cara say giving me a hug "it's going to be ok,", "that's not all," I tell her, "oh?" Cara's curious now. I sigh, well might as well tell her. "I... bumped into Tom Hiddleston again," I spill, "what? And now what?" Cara replies, "I like him Cara, but am I allowed to move on this quickly?" I answer, "I'd give it some time to be honest," Cara replies. I look down, so why am I going on a date with him, or is it even a date? "Taylor, what is it?" Cara asks, "I have date with him tonight," I answer, "well isn't that good?" Cara asks me, "yes it is, but if the paparazzi find out, if they see him with me. I'll make it through but... will Tom?" I reply, "well, he's going to have the choose that himself, just tell him, if he thinks it's too much then he isn't the one," Cara replies. I not my head ok that makes me feel better now, "what time does he pick you up?" Cara asks, "7," I reply, "ok come on, I'm doing your makeup," Cara takes me to her car and we drive back to my house. True to her word Cara does my makeup, she's really good at it. Even though she goes for the standard gloss I pick up my signature red and use that instead. "What happened to all your makeup?" Cara asked, "Meredith, I reply with a laugh," It's almost 7 and so I make my way downstairs. Cara is just about to leave when the door bell rings, she literally dives upstairs and I answer the door. "Hey," I say, "hey," Tom replies. I smile and follow Tom to his car and he opens the door for me. "Thank you," I says, I look over to my house and I can see Cara giving me the thumbs up from an upstairs window. Tom turns and looks and Cara freezes. "Whose in your house?" Tom asks, "Cara Delevingne, don't ask," I reply. Tom gives a laugh and walks over to the drivers side. He drives us to a restaurant just out of town. We're seated really quickly and I'm sort of worried that somebody will recognize us, I wouldn't want to do that to Tom. "So I never found out why you really invited me to the Rhode Islands," Tom says, "I just thought, it's normally really quiet around there and... well here in LA I'm worried somebody will spot us not because I don't want to be seen with you it's because if you're seen with me... well I don't know what would happen exactly but I can imagine it wouldn't be great," I reply, "I wouldn't worry about it," Tom told me "at the end of the day, it wouldn't be your problem to worry about,", "yes but I would have caused it, that's not ok," I point out, "I wouldn't blame you," Tom tells me. I look into his eyes, they're just honest, I love that. I smile. "Well thank you," I say, "no that you, for giving me a chance," Tom replies. I just I don't even know, how is this possible I think I might be dreaming. I'm almost certain I am dreaming.

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