a phone call

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4th of June

I wake up the following morning and I feel a lot better actually. I'm over they crying, but then the tub of chocolate ice-cream I consumed last night did help. I yawn. I wonder if Tom has texted me. I turn on my phone, 1 missed call and 2 texts, but one of them is from Adam. 'good morning Taylor, I'm sorry if I came off a bit weird yesterday,' the message read, and then he called me. Butterflies are in my stomach. I text him back, 'honestly I thought I was the weird one yesterday' I reply. I can tell I'm smiling, Tom just does that to me, I smile and smile and smile it's addictive. I probably should wait for Tom to call me but I can't I dial his number and wait for him to pick up.

"Hello?" Tom says, "I sorry I didn't pick up I was hungover on chocolate ice-cream" I explain, "hungover on chocolate ice-cream?" Tom asks, "yeah, I ate an entire tub last night, I confirm. I hear Tom laugh. "An entire tub of ice-cream? Wow that's impressive," Tom laughs, "Thanks," I laugh, "so would be completely against the idea of seeing me again?" Tom asks, "you're kidding right? Who would ever say no to seeing you?" I say, "actually quite a few people," Tom replies, "well, we'll see how it goes then," I say with a laugh "anyway I should get going,", "yeah ok, I'll catch up with you later," Tom replies. I smile and hang up the phone. You have to give it time Taylor. You can't start getting with Tom right after you broke up with Adam. I just need to cool it. Maybe a walk is in order. I put on a pair of shoes and make my way to the park. I think the fresh air will help I mean it normally does. The fresh air is nice but it makes me think about yesterday with Tom. I have to stop this, if I keep being so obsessed with the guys I'm going to ruin his life. I always do, we'll get together the coverage will be to much, I mean the cameras the tabloids the storied. We'll break up and people will rush to either side. It would be easier to stay friends. I sigh yes that would be easier.

I'm sort of hungry now so I go and grab some lunch. I should get out of this city, maybe to the Rhone Islands, it's a lot more quiet over there. The walk back is refreshing. When I check my phone there's another text from Adam and another from Tom. I turn of the notifications for my conversation with Adam. 'hey, sorry I went on a walk' I text Tom, the reply is almost instant, 'don't worry about it, how are you?' Tom replies

Me- 'I'm good thank you, you?'

Tom- 'good thanks, how is your day?'

Me- 'surprisingly boring, you?'

Tom- 'actually rather the same'

Me- 'oh really?'

Tom- 'yes really'

Me- 'would you like to come over for dinner? I'm sure that could lighten both our days'

Tom- 'sure, what time and I actually haven't been weird enough to find out where you live'

I smile 'how about six?' I text Tom and I thatch my address 'I'll see you then' Tom replies. I check my watch 6, so I have 5 hours. I walk to my bedroom. Ok, now the tricky part... what do I wear? I spend ages looking  and find a pretty red dress that falls to my knees the dress had this lace decoration over where my shoulders should be. I haven't actually worn this one before. I lay it on the bed and find a matching pair of red kitten heals. I have a shower and then get dressed. I put on some foundation, mascara and my sigiture red lipstick. It doesn't look overly bad. I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I put an apron on so I don't mess up my dress. I'm not actually sure what Tom would like so it takes me a bit of time to decide what to cook a stir fry. I haven't done Chinese food in a while but it's my favourite. I have to resist the temptation to eat it while it's still in the pan. It's nearly 6 and I hear the doorbell ring. Oh bother. I open the door, I left my apron on oops. "Hi Taylor," Tom says, he's holding a bouquet of roses, "Hi Tom, are those flowers?" I says, "yeah, I bought them for you," Tom replies handing the roses, "thank was really sweet thank you, do you want to come in?" I reply. I step to the side to let Tom in. I lead him to my dinning room. "Your house is massive," Tom joked, "I've been told that," I reply with a laugh. I go and find a vase for my flowers and then put them on the kitchen side. Tom walks into the kitchen also. "You cooked?" Tom asked, "yeah, I love cooking," I reply, "wow, that's really nice of you," Tom said with a smile. I dish up the stir fry and then take off my apron. "Stir fry? That's one of my favourites," Tom says with a smile, "oh? and what might be your favourite?" I asks as I put Tom's plate down. I sit down also. "You're from England aren't you?" I ask, "yeah I am, can you tell?" Tom says with a laugh, "well she I sort of can, how do you like it here in the US?" I ask, "it's different, it doesn't rain nearly as much," Tom replies. I laugh, I always have so much fun with Tom, he can just make me smile and I hardly even know him.

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