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6th of June

What the heck? I'm going to invite him either way. I dial Tom's number. "Hey" Tom says, "Hi Tom, I was wondering, would you like you join my in Rhone's Island?" I ask, "why would we go to Rhone's Island?" Tom asks, "because it's less paparazzi and it means that we could go somewhere, together, uninterrupted," I explain, "yeah I don't see why not," Tom replies, "well we can't really be going tomorrow so how about Sunday?" I ask, "ok, where do I meet you?" Tom asks, "just come to my house," I explain, "um ok, sure," Tom replies. He hangs up after. I probably sounded insane. Should I pack now or? Wait, I just asked Tom to go to the Rhone Islands, how fast is this relationship going exactly? Actually do I care? I should live for this moment, I know I should. I get another call from Adam and another text. I text Adam 'I'm sorry I'm not interested, please don't waste your time' my text reads. I then put my phone on silent. I think a walk is in order. I find my shoes and make my way out. I love walking I walk to the park where I bumped into Tom 3 days ago. I love this park, I think I might love it that little bit more now. I watch the birds for a moment. I think I might hit the gym, I haven't been in a while and well. I go home and fetch my gym bag. I get changed and drive over to the gym. I walk through the doors and see Adam. It hadn't even passed my mind that Adam might be here. I waywardly make my way over to the treadmill I just have to hope he doesn't spot me. I try to look away. How could I be so silly? Actually I take it back I know how I could be this silly. I wish I had avoided this gym. "Taylor?" I hear Adam's voice say, I turn of the machine and turn around, "Adam, nice to see you," I say I so do not want to be here. "Taylor, how have you been?" Calvin asks me, "good, thanks," I reply, I just need to not let along that I've been around Tom. "that's good, I've been thinking," Adam said, "oh yeah?" I asked, "could we maybe... be friends?" Adam asks, "yeah I think, I think that would be nice," I reply. Ok so my ex isn't acting crazy? "I should probably get going," I say, "yeah ok, well I'll see you around?" Adam asks. I shrug, I don't know if I really want to see Adam, we broke up for a reason he just makes bad memories. I pick up my gym bag and make my way out. Ok I survived that, I need to make a mental note not to go to that gym again. I walk about to my house. Even though the trek is nearly an hour it's worthwhile, however I don't manage to bump into Tom again. I arrive home and I just flop on my sofa. I am so done with today, this was not a fun day today. I check my phone no new messages from Tom, maybe I scared him off, wouldn't surprise me. Still so done with today.

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