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10th of June,

It's finally Friday, Tom and I are flying out on Sunday, I'm looking forward to it I might finally get some time alone, that is without the fear of being bombarded by photographers. I get a text from Cara 'how was the date?' the text read, 'good thanks, how was your time with Meredith and Olivia?' I reply I don't expect a reply for a while. I think I better continue to pack, I don't really want to forget anything. I find a toiletries bag and put that in my suitcase. I wish it was Sunday already, get away from here. Olivia walked over to me. "Hello Olivia," I say. I pick her up. She malts her fur all over my jeans. "Thank's Liv," I say with a chuckle. The doorbell rings and I carry Olivia over and open the door. Tom's there. "Hi, do you want to come in?" I say, "yeah sure," Tom steps into my house. "Which one is this?" Tom asks stroking Olivia, "it's Olivia," I tell him. Just as I say Meredith waltzes in a makes it very clear she wants attention also. "Would you mind holding Olivia?" I ask. Tom nods and he holds Olivia who starts to purr. I pick up Meredith who starts to scratch. "She is not a happy kitten," Tom laughs, I put Meredith down, "no she is not," I reply. I lead Tom over to my kitchen, "sorry it isn't very tidy," I apologize, "I don't mind," Tom replied. He put Olivia down who then ran off in the direction Meredith went. "Do you take your cats on tour with you?" Tom asks, "yeah I do normally," I reply with a laugh, "you're probably the most down to earth pop star of the century," Tom laughed, "well I've been told that," I reply "do you want tea or coffee?", "a tea would be nice," Tom replies. I smile and put the kettle on, "I wan't expecting to see you here," I mention, "I wasn't going to come originally, I just though that I might as well," Tom says, "it was a nice surprise, milk?" I reply. I pour the boiling water into the cup and add a tea bag. "Yes please," Tom replied, "sugar?" I ask, "no thank you," Tom answers. I hand him his cup of tea and sit next to him with my coffee. "I haven't quite got my head around how exactly you're planning to get us to the Rhode islands," Tom says, "wait and see," I laugh. Tom shakes his head while laughing. I finish my coffee, "would you like to go on a walk with me?" I ask, "that would be nice," Tom replied. We don't walk far, I wouldn't think it a good idea. "So, what are you doing tomorrow?" I ask, "not much," Tom replies, "well, would you like to pop round again tomorrow?" I ask, "yeah, I would like that," Tom replies, "just, arrive whenever," I say. Tom smiles, I so can not wait to take him to the Rhode Islands, I know he'll love it. Tom walks me back to my house and I wave him off. Olivia watches him through a front window and for a brief amount Meredith follows his car. It's nice to know my cats like Tom also.

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