Tom's house

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7th of June

I'm walking back from the park I was at a few days ago. I'm thinking of going to New York for a couple of days, maybe until Saturday then I could fly back here, yeah I think that would work out. I open my front door, there's some flowers on the table in my hallway. They weren't here before. I pick them up, there's a note, 'Sorry I wasn't able to talk yesterday, -Tom' he sent me flowers again? Wow, that was really sweet of him, especially considering I've only been really weird. 'Hey xx' I text Tom, 'kisses? that's new' Tom replies, 'yeah I know sorry what that weird?' I reply. I'm so being weird right now. 'no, it was sweet xx' Tom replies, 'oh ok, well I just wanted to say thank you for the flowers xx' I text. I'm really glad that I met Tom, I don't know but he just makes me happy, something that nobody else has been able to do not how he has. 'no problem, how was your day yesterday? xx' Tom replies, 'oh we are not going there xx' I reply, 'oh? why is that? xx' Tom asks, 'bumped into Adam, wasn't fun xx' I admit, 'Adam? xx' Tom asks, 'Calvin Harris xx' I reply. I wait for a reply but then Tom starts to call me. "Hey," I say, "hey, isn't Calvin Harris your ex?" Tom asks, "yeah, why?" I reply, "just wondering, what would you say to coming round mine tonight?" Tom asks me, "yeah sure, what time?" I reply, "is 5 ok?" Tom suggests, "yeah that's good, could you text me the address?" I ask, "I'll pick you up," Tom tells me, "ok, well I'll see you then," I reply, "see you then," Tom tells me. I hang up. I just got invited to Tom Hiddleston's house OMG that is literally amazing. Maybe New York isn't a good idea, why would I go to New York when I can be by Tom's side. I walk upstairs and find a dress. I find a cute navy blue one with a belt. I think that'll do. I begin to hunt for my makeup but when I find it it's all crushed and there's cat paws around. Meredith, Olivia, you're joking me right? I walk over to my cats. "Meredith, Olivia, I've always said you're not to desultory my makeup, what happens if I need it?" I say to my cats, wow I am crazy. I've got to go and by some more. I find a pair of sunglasses and a scarf and cover my hair and eyes. I pick up my purse and keys. I drive to the city center and make my way into target. I don't really have much time to go expensive and most my time is spent getting a foundation that matches my skin tone. I find my signature red lipstick and buy what I have. When I get home I have a shower get changed and apply makeup. I look at the clock 5 to 5. I run around looking for my gold watch and matching necklace. I find them in time and the doorbell rings. I run to the door. "Hi Tom," I say, to my dismay I find Adam, "what are you doing here?" I ask, "whose Tom?" Adam asks, "nobody," I reply, "don't lie," Adam argues, "he's a friend," I reply with a snap, "you got this dressed up for a friend. I check my watch, Tom should be getting here anytime from now. This is so not the situation I was hoping for. "I'm moving on Adam, I'm not in the mood for you right now," I reply. I see Tom's car pull up. Oh goodness. Tom gets out the drivers side. He looks at Adam a little confused. "Hey Taylor," Tom asks, "Hey Tom," I reply. Tom takes my hand and kisses it. He is such a gentleman. "Tom, this is Calvin Harris," I say, "Calvin? My name is Adam, Taylor, what's going on," Adam asks me. Uhhh I don't want to deal with this. "Adam, whatever you came here to say please just say it," I say softly, "I was just popping by to say hi," Adam replies a little sadly, He makes his way back to his own car but doesn't head off. "What was that about?" Tom asks me, "I know about as much as you do," I reply "he just sort of appeared,", "oh ok, well do you want to get going?" Tom asks. I not my head. Tom walks me over to the passengers side and holds the door open and helps me in. He is such a gentleman it's so sweet. I turn my head and I can see a very jealous looking Adam behind us. Tom gets in and drives us to his house. "It's not mansion but it's what I have," Tom tells me, "I think it's charming," I say. Tom smiles, and leads me in. Tom shows me the way to the dinning room. "Your house is amazing," I say, and I'm being honest, "I honestly thought it would be a little small to your standards," Tom laughs, "Most my house is dominated by Meredith and Olivia I only get to use a few rooms," I laugh. Tom lays the food on his table and sits next to me. "So do you often hear from Calvin?" Tom asks, "I don't know, I muted our conversation," I reply. Tom nods, I don't know why he's so curious about Calvin, wait, could he be jealous. "And if I did hear from Calvin a lot what would you think to that?" I ask with a laugh, "I would be extremely jealous," Tom replies, "oh would you?" I reply, "indeed I would," Tom replies. I shake my head and look downwards. "What is it?" Tom asks, "still struggling to understand why me," I answer, "what do you mean?" Tom asks, "you're funny, you're cute, you're such a gentleman, you could have any girl you wanted so why me?" I ask, "because, well, you're funny and you're unlike any other girl. You don't pick who you like or love, you're heart does and my heart chose you and I think it made the right choice, wait did you say I'm cute?" Tom asked, "yeah I did," I reply, blushing now. Tom takes my hand over the table. "You've gone bright red," Tom tells me, I look away in embarrassment, "it's adorable," Tom adds on. I look back. He's just so sweet, how did I live without him before?

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