The 'entourage'

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8th of June

Ok, so it's only Wednesday, if we fly off on Sunday I should probably tell my pilot, I can't believe I forgot that. I dial the number. "Hello?" my pilot, Phil, says, "Phil, hi, can you fly on Sunday?" I ask, "I'll check," Phil tells me. There's a long pause. "Yes I can, where to?" Phil asks, "the Rhone islands, it's confidential though," I tell him, "any guests?" Phil asks, I take a deep breath, "yes, Tom Hiddleston," I tell him, I might as well, I mean Phil will only find out later. "Ok, I'll be ready then, where do you want me to fly from?" Phil asks, "The airport at LA," I tell him, "I'll be there Miss Swift," Phil  tells me. I hang up, ok now I might as well pack. I find some jeans and tops and throw them into my suitcase. My phone begins to buzz. I look, it's a text from Tom. 'thank you for the lovely night' Tom's text reads, 'no thank you for having me over' I reply. I find my makeup bag and throw that in as well. I chuck in a pair of shoes and a hair brush. I hear the door bell ring. I make my way downstairs. I find a basket of flowers. The note reads 'lots of love Tom xx' I take them inside and put them by my bedside. I love getting flowers from Tom, I think it just sort of lightens my day. I text Tom, 'you keep sending me flowers, it's really sweet, I love that' I say. I don't get a reply, I presume he's busy. I get dressed and pick up my phone and walk out the house. Recently I've been forgetting to tell my security team when I've been going out and today is no different. It's just nicer, I do regret it this time as a bunch of photographers catch up with me. "Taylor! Taylor! What happened with you and Calvin?" They ask, and many other questions alike. I'm not in the mood, I've moved on from Adam. I walk on keeping my head down. I arrive in the city center, the walk seems longer when you have camera's in your face. I see Tom out the corner of my eye. He begins to make his way over but I shake his head, I would ruin his reputation. Tom nods and walks away a couple of the photographers look over to where Tom was a little puzzled. I get a text. 'That doesn't look fun' it's from Tom, 'I wouldn't call it fun, no' I reply, 'well, I suppose I'll have to text you instead' Tom replies. I smile, I forgot about the camera's for a moment I stop smiling and call my driver to pick me up. I get back to my house as quickly as I can. I don't want any silly news stories right now, or ever really. I call Tom, I suppose if I can't see him in person a phone call will do. "Hey," Tom says when he picks up, "hey Tom, sorry about earlier, I don't really think you'd appreciate the drama that comes with me," I tell him, "It's fine," Tom replies, "so what you doing?" I ask, "cooking terrible food," Tom replies with a laugh, "I liked your cooking what are you talking about?" I reply, "I preferred yours," Tom told me, "I think Olivia would have done a better job than me," I point out. Tom laughs, "I'm really enjoying talking to you, I hope it never ends," he tells me, "me too," I reply. I'm telling the truth, I don't want my time with Tom to end, it's been amazing and I don't know how you could explain it. "So what have you been doing today?" I ask, "nothing much, apart from heading to the center and seeing you and your entourage," Tom told me, "believe me that wasn't my entourage," I tell him, "oh who is then?" Tom asked, "I suppose the closest thing I have is my squad but they aren't really an entourage anyway," I answer, "can I meet them?" Tom asks, "yeah, I'll introduce you," I reply. I hear a smoke alarm from Tom's side of the phone, "ah I better go," Tom tells me, "ok, we can talk later," I reply, "bye," Tom says. He then hangs up. I wish I could talk to him forever.

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