It had been two years and a few months since giving birth to little Yuki and she was beautiful, my little pride and joy. Her red eyes would watch everything and everyone carefully, learning from them and figuring out who people were while she was at it. Her should length white hair was adorable and she looked like a little angel. It had been three and a half years since Naruto had left Konoha and though we had heard updates from him through letters, I missed him dearly.
"Mama!" My daughter's cry sounded from her room. Letting out a sigh, I walked upstairs and saw her in her cot, standing at the bars with a pout on her young face.
"Yes, Yuki?" I chuckled, going over to the cot and picking her up.
"Where papa?" She asked innocently, her wide eyes staring up into mine.
"Papa is out right now sweetie. He'll be back soon." I informed her with a soft smile. "Wanna go and see Sakura?" Her eyes quickly lit up and she nodded enthusiastically, a large grin on her lips.
"Sakura-nee!" She cheered, excitement clear in her voice and facial expression. Walking down the stairs with her, I set her down on a step and began putting her shoes on her tiny little feet. Slipping on her sandals, I put my own on and picked her up again with her arms wrapped around my neck.Leaving the house and locking it behind me, I walked along the streets towards the town with Yuki in my arms. People waved at her which she returned with a friendly grin that made others begin to coo over her cuteness. Strolling along and looking around the stalls with Yuki staring in fascination at all the different items laid out, I spotted four familiar faces. One of them being the girl we came out to see. Sakura Haruno. She had grown up during the years she trained under our Hokage Tsunade. She was a lot stronger than she had been before and I was proud of her due to how much dedication she showed with her training and her studies in becoming a medic ninja. Her hair was still short and pink which suited her green eyes and fair skin tone. Sakura's outfit consisted of a red top and accompanying the red top were black gloves, low-heel knee-high boots, black shorts underneath a short pink apron skirt, and pink elbow protectors. Walking along behind her were the troublesome trio. Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon. The three had grown up as well and were doing well as Genin, but they were still the same troublesome trio that I loved dearly. Heading over, Yuki seemed to notice them as her face lit up and she began waving.
"Sakura-nee!" She called out causing the pink haired girl to turn round to face us, a smile sliding onto her lips.
"Just who we were looking for." I chuckled, pulling her in for a hug.
"Katsu-nee, Yuki." She beamed, returning the hug before pulling back. "Were you after something?"
"No, just Yuki here wanted to see her Sakura-nee." I smiled then stumbled back slightly when three bodies crashed into me. Looking down I saw Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon clinging onto my waist. "Hey guys, you behaving yourselves for your sensei?" They pulled back and Konohamaru grinned.
"We're great genin." He stated proudly causing Moegi and Udon to nod in agreement to his statement.
"Well then, I'm proud of you all. Where are you all headed?" I asked curiously.
"To the front gates for the documents." Sakura explained beginning to walk again with us behind her.
"Ah, well I don't want to keep you away." I smirked. "Come and see us later if you're not too busy you guys. I'm sure Yuki would be happy to have someone to play with." They all nodded in agreement and Sakura told us she would come and see us after she was done with Tsunade's errand. Content with her answer, I said goodbye and we wandered off through the town again to satisfy Yuki's curiosity. She was young but was rather intelligent and a very curious child.A few hours later we were at home again and Kakashi still wasn't home. This made me curious as to what was taking him so long but I knew that it had to be important to keep him away from his little girl. Yuki was a mama's girl but she had her papa wrapped around her little finger. It amused me the way that she could get her papa to do absolutely anything she wanted. Making myself some green tea, I took a sip before hearing a knock at the door. Yuki's little feet could be heard rushing towards the front door so I followed along behind her. Opening the door my eyes widened and a grin crossed onto my lips as I saw who it was. Standing in front of me was the taller and more grown up version of my little Naruto. His outfit choice hadn't particularly changed but that didn't matter. Yuki hid behind my leg and stared up at the blonde haired boy.
"Hey Katsu-nee, I'm home." He grinned. Returning the grin, I pulled him to me in a tight hug. Chuckling, he wrapped his arms around me and returned the hug. Pulling back, he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at Yuki. "You must be Yuki. Hi there, I'm your Uncle Naruto." Bending down, he extended a hand towards Yuki who stared at him for a while before throwing herself into his arms, surprising Naruto in the process. She had heard of Naruto a lot in her two and a half years and had seen many pictures of him so she knew who he was to her.
"Naruto-nii." She called softly, causing Naruto's eyes to widen in shock before his expression changed to one of pure happiness.
"We've been waiting for you to return home sweetie." I smiled softly, gazing down at the two of them as they hugged. Standing up, Naruto held Yuki to him as he did so and then walked into the front room to sit down with her on his lap.
"It's great to be back." He sighed in content, his blue eyes sparkling. Wrapping an arm around his shoulders, I pulled him to my side with his head on my shoulder. Letting myself enjoy the feeling of having him here again, we sat there cuddling and talking as he filled me in on his training with Jiraiya. Your son had grown into a strong boy, Minato, Kushina......

Guardian and Mother - Naruto's Parental Guardian Sequel (Naruto Fanfic)
FanfictionSEQUEL TO NARUTO'S PARENTAL GUARDIAN COMPLETE. SPOILERS ALERT! You've been warned so don't complain. Finally the time for Naruto to come home has arrived and the Hatake family are as happy as ever, especially after he arrives home. The Akatsuki...