After Naruto had returned to Konoha, little Yuki was very eager to spend time with him. He was back living in his flat again so that we all had some privacy but it made sad to see him move back out. However, I understood that he was a growing boy who needed his privacy and was trying to be respectful to Kakashi and I. He was currently round our house though and Yuki was playing with him while I watched with a smile. It was nice seeing my two favourite people get along extremely well. Kakashi had been making the most of our privacy which I didn't mind. They were going on a mission later on with Temari who's village and brother were in trouble. The Akatsuki were after all of the Jinchuriki's and were sucking them dry of their chakra. Gaara had been targeted which caused us all to be concerned as we all cared for the young boy who was in charge of his village. Naruto was especially anxious. Gaara was his friend, and we all knew that they would target Naruto soon for his power.
"Mama!" A little voice called before a body hit my legs. Looking down, I saw Yuki giggling as she hid from a grinning Naruto. "Save me mama!" Picking her up, I pulled both of them into a hug, grateful that I had my two precious people still with me. Nobody would take them from me.
"Katsu-nee?" Naruto murmured in confusion. Pulling back, I gave him a grin and disappeared out of the room with Yuki. "No fair!" His voice could be heard back in his flat as we hid round the back. Yuki was in hysterics in my arms but I put a finger to my lips causing her to cover her mouth while still giggling. "Katsu-nee! Yuki!" Naruto called as he ran in the opposite direction. Rounding the building on the opposite side to where Naruto just ran off to, I let out a sigh and pretended to wipe sweat from my forehead causing Yuki to laugh before she let out a squeal as arms wrapped around us from behind. Glancing over my shoulder I saw Kakashi and Naruto standing there.
"Playing hide and seek are we?" Kakashi chuckled with a smile beneath his mask, his arms tightening around us slightly before letting go.
"You called in reinforcements?" I smirked, meeting Naruto's eyes. He pouted and stuck out his tongue in return.
"Well Yuki got you, so I had to make it equal didn't I?" He teased, eyes full of mischief and amusement. Rolling my eyes, I set Yuki down who then ran towards Naruto and he picked her up instead.
"You about to leave for your mission?" I asked with a slight frown. Naruto had only come back a few days ago, it was too early for him to disappear again.... even if it was only for a couple of days.
"We're meeting at the gate in ten minutes." He shrugged, his eyes also focused in on Naruto and Yuki. They were a pretty picture to look at and I knew that if Minato and Kushina were alive they would be enjoy what we were seeing as well. Naruto held Yuki in his arms and was making funny faces causing Yuki's joyous giggles to be heard loud and clear. Her red eyes were sparkling along with his blue eyes which made their pure hearted happiness easy to see. Grins covered each of their faces and they were clearly enjoying each other's company. Family. That was what they were and what we would all be for the rest of our lives.
"I don't want either of you to go. We're finally all together again." I sighed sadly, knowing that they would be back anyway but feeling myself wishing for them to be around everyday. Kakashi glanced over at me and pulled me close, arms wrapped tight around me while I rested my head against his shoulder.
"I know you don't. We'll be back soon anyway. Time will fly by so wait for us and we can all go out to eat together or you can continue to drag him to our house whenever you or Yuki wishes to." He smiled beneath his mask causing me to smile in return, kissing his mask covered cheek.
"I know....." I pouted before chuckling and pulling out of his arms. Walking over to Naruto and Yuki, I held out my arms and she jumped straight into them after giving Naruto a kiss on the cheek. She loved her brother figure dearly just like I did. "Both of you behave and come back safe ok? We'll be waiting." Naruto grinned in response and nodded in understanding while Kakashi rolled his eye.
"Of course we will Katsu-nee." He chuckled, his eyes full of confidence.
"Good. Now off you go. Don't want you being late." I smirked with a pointed look towards Kakashi. He shrugged with a smile while Naruto laughed as they both turned to walk away. Watching them walk away, I prayed that they came home safely and that Gaara would be ok.After team 7 had left, Yuki and I decided to take a stroll around town before heading back home. After having dinner together, Yuki seemed to be quite sleepy and so I put her to bed, tucking her in and giving her a kiss on the forehead. Gazing down at my little girl, I smiled softly as I thanked Orochimaru for having sent me here in the first place. He had murdered my parents and hurt me, but if he hadn't have done so, I would never have met the people I had, never have been given a life in Konoha, never have met Kakashi or Naruto, and would never have been able to have this beautiful little girl laying in front of me. He was a bad person and needed to be killed.... yes. Sasuke needed a good slap for having been stupid enough to follow after him, but if these events hadn't have occurred, then Naruto wouldn't have been able to become stronger and things wouldn't be like how they were today. In a weird and annoying way, the day Orochimaru threw me out to die, my happy future was set. For that I was grateful.

Guardian and Mother - Naruto's Parental Guardian Sequel (Naruto Fanfic)
FanficSEQUEL TO NARUTO'S PARENTAL GUARDIAN COMPLETE. SPOILERS ALERT! You've been warned so don't complain. Finally the time for Naruto to come home has arrived and the Hatake family are as happy as ever, especially after he arrives home. The Akatsuki...