Katsu's P.O.V
My eyelids began to flutter open as feeling came back to my body and I awakened from my slumber. Darkness surrounded me but there was a light shining into the room from outside of the bars. Where was I? Looking around, I found that I was on a bed inside of a cell and looked to be underground. Memories flashed through my head of when I was younger. I had been kept inside of a cell like this, underground without much light. Realisation hit me when I remembered how I got here. Kabuto. He had drugged me. Kabuto being around only meant one thing, or should I say one person...... Orochimaru. My conclusion was proven correct when the bastard himself walked up to my cell.
"To think you were still alive." He chuckled in his creepy voice. "The little experiment we left for dead....... reappeared here as a useful tool. How amusing." Hearing footsteps come towards us, my eyes widened as I felt a chakra that was both new yet familiar. "Ah, I believe I have you to thank for raising him in his family's stead. Isn't that right, Sasuke?" At that point the footsteps stopped beside Orochimaru and I gasped at who I saw. Sasuke stood there wearing dark blue pants, over which hung a blue cloth that covered him from his stomach to his knees and which he secured with a purple rope belt. Along with this he wore a white long-sleeved shirt kept open at the torso and black arm guards that covered his forearms. Sasuke Uchiha. How he had grown.....
"Sasuke....." I breathed out. His eyes widened before narrowing in on me with a strong glare yet amused smirk.
"Ah, Katsu..... How pathetic to see you here. You and Naruto are both persistent but pathetic." He chuckled cruelly. Wincing, I felt my heart squeeze in my chest due to the pain his words inflicted.
"You've definitely changed haven't you Sasuke?" I snapped, gritting my teeth in anger. However, my anger wasn't directed towards the teenager in front of me. It was directed towards the man who had caused him to become drunk on power. "Why do you need me Orochimaru?"
"You're our back up plan to lure in the jinchuriki. Also, after finding out that my experiment had survived...... I thought I should make use of you again..... For amusement and experiments of course." Orochimaru smirked. "Remember the fights you had to participate in?......." My eyes widened and the horrific images entered into my mind. My mother and father being cut and bruised. Myself being thrown across the dirt by other experiments of his. The pain we all suffered as his toys and amusement. Lunging at the bars, I reached out a hand to grab Orochimaru but he simply stepped back. My eyes were narrowed but frantic while growling noises escaped my lips. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at my behaviour but I saw his eyes widen and a quick flash of fear pass across his eyes. He was still there. The boy I had cared about was still there underneath that thick mask he'd created.
"Rot in hell." I ground out in anger.
"Take her to the experiment room." Orochimaru ordered and Kabuto entered my field of vision before a dart was thrown into my neck. Feeling dizzy again, I stumbled back before falling to the floor. Unlike before, I didn't fall unconscious, instead I lost feeling in my body and was easily picked up by Kabuto who took me along the hallways towards where Orochimaru conducted his experiments. Looking over Kabuto's shoulder, I saw Sasuke's eyes following us and beneath the stoic expression, I saw a glint of concern.Arriving at the lab room, I was placed onto a stone table and strapped down. Memories of my childhood flashed through my mind as I remembered how he had experimented on me as a child, how he had taken me away from my parents to drag me to this very room. The pain had been indescribable and I remembered sobbing into my mothers chest afterwards. Feeling was slowly coming back to my body and I began to regret the fact that the dart wasn't working still. If the numbness went by the time they began doing as they wished....... Fear passed through me as my memories of the pain consumed me.
"You've lived too normally for too long." Orochimaru hissed from the doorway. Kabuto stood to the side of the table with a grin on his face as he stared down at me, while I saw Sasuke stood behind Orochimaru. "I think you need to revisit the feeling of pain that you loved so much as a child." Glaring up at him, my teeth grit together to stop from making any retorts. "You have strength but what about your healing speed?" He smirked, picking up a kunai and walking over. Sasuke took a step into the room and looked to want to say something for a moment before a stoic expression won over. "Kabuto. You do it. I have other matters to see to." Kabuto nodded in understanding and took the kunai from Orochimaru before plunging it into my thigh. My eyes flew open from the pain but I kept my teeth gritted together so no noise came out.
"Oh? No response." Kabuto mused before picking up another kunai then stabbing it into my other thigh. "Still nothing..... Hmm......"This continued on for a while before I was left panting, bleeding and consumed by pain. My thighs, stomach and arms were covered in stab wounds. Blood was seeping out from each wound and weren't closing. After all, I hadn't been gifted with a fast healing system like Naruto had due to being a jinchuriki. Sasuke had disappeared after the first two kunai's were stabbed into me but now he was back. Kabuto was about to stick a needle into my eye but Sasuke grabbed his wrist and stopped him.
"Enough. If she's our bait then killing her won't do us any good." Sasuke stated with no emotion at all in his voice. Kabuto grinned before nodding in understanding.
"Of course. It seems I got carried away. If you care then go see to her wounds. I need to see Orochimaru." Kabuto instructed with a smirk sent my way. Meeting Sasuke's onyx eyes, I smiled softly up at him before feeling too exhausted to stay awake. The last thing I saw before passing out was Sasuke reaching down to lift me into his arms. He was still there beneath the hard surface, I just knew it......

Guardian and Mother - Naruto's Parental Guardian Sequel (Naruto Fanfic)
FanfictionSEQUEL TO NARUTO'S PARENTAL GUARDIAN COMPLETE. SPOILERS ALERT! You've been warned so don't complain. Finally the time for Naruto to come home has arrived and the Hatake family are as happy as ever, especially after he arrives home. The Akatsuki...