Six years have gone by since the great war and the final battle between Sasuke and Naruto. Things were doing well in Konoha. Yuki was growing up to be a beautiful and mature girl, and she was growing attached to Sasuke who would show up every so often like he promised. Though he had been against it when he was younger, Sasuke had indeed gotten together with Sakura and they were expecting a child. After taking a while to notice, Naruto had realised his love for Hinata and they too were expecting a little baby. I was extremely excited to see the little one and luckily, today was the lucky day.
We were round Naruto and Hinata's house talking and laughing when suddenly Hinata's face contorted into one of pain and discomfort as she walked into the room. Standing up quickly, I sped over and caught her as she stumbled backwards. Naruto's face showed his worry while Yuki gazed over curiously. Kakashi was with Guy and a few others in his office due to becoming Hokage after Tsunade.
"You alright Hinata?" I asked softly. She nodded before clutching her stomach and freezing.
"My water just broke." She stated as I noticed the floor getting wet.
"Naruto, we need to get her to the hospital. Now." I instructed, snapping him out of his daze. He nodded in understanding and took Hinata out of my arms, holding her bridal style. "Take her to the hospital, we'll be right there." With that, he ran out of the house towards the hospital while I collected spare clothes for Hinata and a blanket for the baby. "Yuki, come on." I smiled, holding out my hand which she took.Once at the hospital, I asked for Hinata Uzumaki and was directed to a certain room where we found Naruto pacing outside. His face was filled with worry and each time we heard Hinata cry out in pain, his expression would turn to one of panic. Resting my hand on his shoulder, I got him to look into my eyes and smiled comfortingly.
"She's fine sweetie. It's the exact same thing I went through when I had Yuki. Give it time and you'll be able to see her holding your little baby." I reassured him, taking hold of his hand with the hand not holding onto Yuki's. We all sat down outside of the room and waited while Hinata gave birth to Naruto's baby and our next family member.It took a while before the doctor came out and told us that we could see her. Turning to Naruto, the doctor smiled and announced that it was a baby boy. Naruto's face lit up while Yuki giggled next to me and they both ran into the room. Following after them with a chuckle, I entered the room and saw a worn out Hinata laying on the hospital bed with a little one in her arms. Seeing the blonde hair and whisker markings, I smiled lovingly down at the baby as it reminded me of when I first took Naruto under my guardianship.
"Have you chosen a name for him at all?" I spoke up, seeing Naruto cooing down at the little blue eyed boy. He was so much like his father. Hinata looked up and smiled at me, giving me a small nod.
"Boruto." She informed me. Naruto and Boruto, huh? Smirking, I couldn't help but chuckle at the similarities between father and son. "Want to hold him?" She asked, holding him out carefully. My eyes widened before my heart swelled up in my chest as I met Boruto's curious gaze. Nodding, I held out my hands and took the baby from Hinata, holding him close to my chest. Gazing down at the cute little baby, I felt nostalgia hit as I not only saw Boruto, but Naruto when he had been a baby in my care.
"Hello little Boruto. You are so much like your father and just as cute as he used to be." Naruto and Hinata chuckled while Yuki stared in awe at the baby from her position on the bed next to Hinata. "God knows you'll probably be just as much trouble as your father as well." Naruto grinned in response to my comment while Hinata laughed quietly. Naruto walked over and came to stand behind me, hugging me from behind and peering over my shoulder down at his son.
"We were thinking that you could be his godmother." Naruto informed me. My eyes widened and I looked over to Hinata who was nodding in agreement.
"Seriously? I'd love to be his godmother." I beamed, bending down and pressing a kiss against Boruto's forehead.
"It also means you're his auntie figure as well." Hinata smiled tenderly. "After all, you're like an older sister to us both."
"An old auntie." I chuckled, thinking how much older I am to them both. "But thank you, this means a lot." Seeing Boruto's sparkling blue eyes, I recalled Minato and felt tears come to my eyes as I prayed that he and Kushina were looking down at their family and could see what a wonderful man their son had turned out to be. Hinata and Yuki saw the tears in my eyes and worry was evident in their eyes.
"Mama? What's wrong?" Yuki asked worriedly.
"Nothing sweetie, mama's just feeling very happy right now. Both of your parents would be so proud of you, especially yours Naruto." I smiled. "I know that Kushina wanted you to find a suitable woman and have yourselves a happy family. I just hope that she's watching over you all to see how you've all grown." Naruto turned me around in his arms and pulled me to his chest for a hug.
"I know they're watching us and that she's grateful you chose to raise me yourself. When she helped me keep Kurama's powers under control she told me all about how her and my father met. But she also told me all about you and how you were taken in. She told me she's watched you raise me for years and they're both eternally grateful to you for it. They're not the only ones of course. I'm also so grateful that you decided to take me in and raise me like a brother. If it wasn't for you, I don't know how I would've become." He whispered, holding me close but being careful of Boruto in between us. Tears fell down my cheeks as my heart fluttered in my chest and swelled with pride. Wrapping my other arm around him, I gazed down at little Boruto and thanked the gods that had guided me here to Konoha to experience such happiness with the family I'd been taken into and created. Life was perfect and honestly, nothing could ruin it.
(A/N: Well guys, that's the end I'm afraid. I'm surprised it lasted this long with the amount of times I struggled to write haha. I'm so thankful to those who stuck by me and read the story and seemed to enjoy it. So thank you all and I hope you're all doing well. :) )

Guardian and Mother - Naruto's Parental Guardian Sequel (Naruto Fanfic)
FanfictionSEQUEL TO NARUTO'S PARENTAL GUARDIAN COMPLETE. SPOILERS ALERT! You've been warned so don't complain. Finally the time for Naruto to come home has arrived and the Hatake family are as happy as ever, especially after he arrives home. The Akatsuki...