The torture methods had been kept up for the week I'd been at Orochimaru's hideout. Sasuke had bandaged me up each time I'd fallen unconscious but never stuck around so I could thank him. Kabuto was always willing to hurt me in any way he could and he loved experimenting on me. Only slight differences were experienced and could be seen on my body. My eyes were no longer solely red, but now one was silver due to Kabuto injecting something inside of it which made my eyesight like that of an eagle or hawk. My nails could grow longer and sharper like claws, and there were various scars covering my body which hadn't healed. The positive thing about the experiments was that I healed extremely quickly. However, that came with a negative as it meant that Kabuto no longer needed to worry about me bleeding out, which in turn meant that Sasuke didn't need to bandage me up anymore. Occasionally I would feel a presence outside of my door but when I turned to look, nobody would be there. Although I never saw him, the chakra I sensed was definitely Sasuke's which made me happy that he still cared even if he was awkward about it.
Today was a day that was oddly quiet. Kabuto had left on some business although I wasn't sure what it was. Sasuke was training for now with Orochimaru before he retired to his room and Orochimaru disappeared out somewhere. I was still kept drugged so I couldn't go against them and my chakra was drained. It frustrated me that I could do nothing, but even my futile attempts to hurt them seemed to backfire. After trying to kick Kabuto, he had thrown me against a wall and caused my head to smack against it. After trying to escape, Orochimaru had ordered for my treatment to be made worse, and after trying to persuade Sasuke to come back to Konoha during the short time I saw him, he had hit a spot on my body and knocked me out. Nothing was going well and I was beginning to give up hope, but then something occurred that caused my view to change completely.
Lying in the room they had locked up inside of, I stared at the wall while panting heavily. Due to the harsh treatment my body had experienced, it was finally causing me to become feverish. My body felt like it was on fire and I couldn't balance or hold myself up for too long, thus why I was lying down and not moving. My thoughts went to Kakashi, Naruto and Yuki who were not in my company. I missed them and dearly hoped that even if I wasn't there, that Yuki was being well taken care of. That may mean Yuki being babysat while Kakashi was on missions, or it would mean that Kakashi would have to become a full time father and give up going on missions. I knew that option wouldn't be too popular with him, but that he would be willing to do anything to take care of his little girl.
The sound of footsteps in the hallway had me trying to focus in on the chakra to see who it was. It wasn't Orochimaru, Kabuto or Sasuke, so who was it and why hide their chakra? I sensed one person's chakra flare before disappearing against and my eyes widened when I realised who it was. Naruto! Turning over on the bed, I faced the door and tried to call for him but nothing came out, only heavy breathing. Trying again, I got out a squeak at the most.
"Naruto....." I called weakly. The footsteps came to a halt and it fell quiet outside the door.
"I thought I heard something." Naruto mumbled to himself. Trying to grab one of my kunai, I realised that my weapons were gone which caused me to groan. Looking to the floor, I decided that by falling to the floor, he'd hear the noise from outside and realise that someone was inside. Shuffling closer to the edge of the bed which caused my head to become dizzy, I twisted and fell onto the floor causing a loud thud. "Who's in there?" His voice sounded closer to the door now and I let out a sigh of relief. Swallowing hard, I tried to use the rest of my strength to call out his name louder.
"Naruto!" My voice came out stronger than before and I heard him gasp.
"Katsu-nee? Hold on." His voice was more urgent now that he knew I was inside and I sensed his chakra grow stronger before the door was blown open. He stood there looking inside and when he saw the state I was in and my eyes, he gasped before rushing over. "What happened? Your eyes......"
"Experiments......" I mumbled out, voice quieter now that my energy was drained. My eyes began to flutter closed and I could hear Naruto calling out to me, but the fever was causing me to become too tired and therefore my eyes shut and I fell unconscious on the floor.No P.O.V
Naruto looked down at Katsu was lay on the floor, scars over her body and he could see her sweating badly. Footsteps sounded from the hallway causing Naruto to become on guard, not wanting anymore harm to come to her. Sakura appeared at the doorway with Yamato and they both looked in before their eyes widened and Sakura gasped when she realised who it was.
"Katsu-nee?" She whispered before rushing forward and seeing how unhealthy she looked. "What happened to her?" She leant forward and pressed a hand against her forehead then pulled it back after feeling how hot it was. "She's got a fever. We need to get her out of here." Yamato created a clone which walked over and carefully picked the unconscious female up.
"We'll get her back to Konoha with my clone, in the mean time we need to find Sai." Sakura and Naruto looked up at each other before nodding and standing up, walking outside to the hall while Yamato's clone took off running with Katsu. Naruto watched them as they disappeared out of sight and he couldn't help but worry about if she was ok. He'd never seen her like that and it angered him that he hadn't been there to protect her.
"Naruto?" Sakura called to him, seeing him staring down the hallway with a concerned and anxious look on his face. He turned to her and gave her a weak smile, one that held too much worry than actually happiness.
"Naruto, we need you to focus now. She'll be alright. Danzou's goal was to eliminate Sasuke, Orochimaru's future body. That's why Sai approached Orochimaru. It wasn't to betray Konoha, it was to protect it. Just what you'd expect from a warmonger like him."
"There's no point in standing around whining. I don't give a damn about Sai's orders or what Danzou's thinking! Right now, we need to join back up with Sai and get Sasuke.
"Naruto is right." Yamato smiled. "I just sensed Sai's chakra a minute ago. Let's hurry!" With that the three of them ran down the hall to where they would finally see Sasuke again, even if he was trying to kill them......

Guardian and Mother - Naruto's Parental Guardian Sequel (Naruto Fanfic)
FanfictionSEQUEL TO NARUTO'S PARENTAL GUARDIAN COMPLETE. SPOILERS ALERT! You've been warned so don't complain. Finally the time for Naruto to come home has arrived and the Hatake family are as happy as ever, especially after he arrives home. The Akatsuki...