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Benjamin's thoughts rapidly changed in the late evening Piercen arrived back home after a trip into town at the only grocery store to pick up dinner. Somehow he knew before Piercen walked down the stairs and unlocked the dark dungeon, he is continuing to be kept in not fully trusted to be left alone in the main level of the home while alone, it had to do with the dead body lying on the cold ground. Dead eyes of the teenage girl barely recognizable staring back at him for the pass hour he has been waiting down below.

After taking her life in the most gruesome way to gain a form of release and reassurance of love for killing they both were too distracted with themselves. Too consumed with each other in love and completely turned on they didn't clean up their mess. Her body still lay where it was, the blood surrounding having dried, while they both cleaned themselves up in the shower earlier.

Bodies were pressed together in the shower. Spending time away from their little adventure upstairs in the main level of the house and not paying mind to what took place down below. Neither of them mentioned her or gave her a thought while they were lost in each other.

That eventually changed though when Piercen was going to leave and had Benjamin go back to the dark quarters did he finally remember what he was forgetting about. He lost all sanity and there is no going back.

The slam of the door as Piercen stomped on his way down the steps and quickly unlocked the hidden entrance to down below in the closet Benjamin knew something wasn't right.

She was the problem, her body because why else would Piercen be going down the stairs cursing under his breath? Why else would he be acting on high alert unlike he's ever shown before?

There is only one thing that can make Piercen's face go pale at the sight of the body. Rushing in through the entire house to get downstairs like a mad man while Benjamin woke up because of the vibration felt through the entire house.

He had been catching up on the little rest he had gotten from the previous night staying up until the next day with Piercen. Last night was quite an eventful night, his first kill with Piercen, but it doesn't appear to be something they will continue to cherish. "Get up and help me. We have to get rid of her. We have to make sure no one can find her or link us to this. We can't get caught now, I can't get caught." Piercen says, his mind racing with each step he needs to take next.

Though of course it will not get him far these days when it's hard to get away with murder. He's sure to be caught sooner or later. Found and charged with the teenage girl's murder and the rest of the murders he committed through the years.

He's's a sick man, a very sick man whose responsible for making the town unsafe. He killed his parents. He killed numerous women. He wanted love in his delusional mind with killing his one true pleasure. He wanted him, Benjamin, but he can't have him. He's a murderer and he doesn't get a happy ending. But what about Benjamin?

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