Let's Just Say The Happiness On My Happy Meter Is At Depressed Emo

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"Oh Honey, we don't want this to be awkward for you. (Gee more mind readers...) It’s just when I heard that my brother was in trouble and I saw you, I knew that I could help him out if I bought you. If it makes you feel better the place you were living in was no place for a growing child."

"M'am" I said to the woman. (What? I know how to be polite!)

"Call me Beth and my husband Reynold, Rey for short. She said pointing to her husband. She was obviously telling me their nicknames to make them seem friendlier. I wasn’t buying it.

"Beth, Reynold, despite what you think of my living state, that is my home and you can't expect me to forget about everything I own and follow you around, obeying your every command!"

Reynold now spoke. "Unfortunately for you, you must obey us, we own you after all." I felt a pain in my chest. Here these people were talking about how they were concerned for me, just to crush any appreciation I might’ve had for them. This feeling wasn't unfamiliar however, on really lonely nights it would stick to me like glue. 

They must've noticed my sudden change of mood because they all gave me sad looks. That’s when I realized I was still wearing that damn hat, I took it off and held it tightly.

"At least let me get my stuff," I said not to dare look at their pity faces any further I've seen that look more times than any one should.  

"Deal, my nephew will pick you up in an hour, for now eat. And don't worry about getting shocked. We'll turn the invisible fence off before you leave." I nodded and headed toward the kitchen.

I opened the fridge to find something that smelt good. It wasn't for me though, Leon had followed me in. I tossed him some left over steak. Usually I would jump at the sight of steak but after what just happened, I wasn't in the mood for steak or anything really. I just laid my head on the table wishing this nightmare would end.

"Rough morning?" Stella said from behind me. I turned around to see her giving me a sympathetic look. I didn't mind it much because she hadn't disappointed me yet. 

"Let’s just say the happiness on my happy meter is at depressed emo." We both smiled a little. She sat down next to me started telling me things about her like how she was excited about getting paid for working backstage in her school, and how she wants to be a chemical engineer, me being idiot thought she wanted to become someone who wants to fixes cars, she laughed at this and told me that it was a type of scientist. Most of all she talked about boys. Sure she was a little nerdy but it was better that then being a stuck up bitch. 

I must've been too busy laughing my ass off to notice someone come through the door because I soon felt a cool breath on my neck.

"Hello little fox." The cool voice said. I knew exactly who it was, but I still punched Damon in the chest for trying to scare me.

"What the hell are you doing here!?!" I said, now looking into his grey eyes that matched his creepy long hair.

"I'm here to pick you up!" He said with a cheeky grin. (Boy was he asking for another punch.)

"But when she said that her nephew, I just thought she meant Tyson." I said confused.

“I wish, but Tyson's Grounded. Got in a little trouble if you know what I mean. It's also the reason why he's living here. Until things blow over that is.

"Poor thing can't even have human blood. He has to live off animal blood for a whole week. Damn boy is such a trouble maker, doesn't know when enough is enough." Stella added. I shivered a little when she mentioned human blood, but quickly shook the thought out of my head.

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