A Shocking Surprise

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I gorged down my food as fast as possible. My plan, eat then run. After all you can't go escaping a giant mansion with vampires living in it on an empty stomach. I looked up at Tyson who was watching me eat with a face of disgust.

"What?" I asked with a mouthful of food.

"Nothing..." He said looking away. Okay so maybe my manners weren’t up to par at the moment, but I haven't had a real meal in weeks. Sure ramen, one of G-d's greater creations, was good, but it wasn't good for me. Meaning I didn't want to start getting fat.(NO! I'm not self conscious. Quite the opposite in fact. Conceited and proud!)

Quietness filled the room and I began to get wrapped up in my thoughts. The same thought had kept reappearing till I could no longer keep it too myself.

"So how do you do it...The whole mind reading thing... I mean..." I asked taking bites in between words. While I'm here I might as well learn a thing or two.

"Uh..." He said while scratching his head. (Damn it! i knew it was too weird of a question, but I just had to ask.) "Well when I read a person's mind I just hear their inner thoughts, but you’re different."

"Oh Joy!! I'm different!" You'd have to be a dumbass not to notice how much sarcasm I put into those words. (Like I wasn't weird enough already. I have weird super powers that only come out when I'm in danger, a screw driver that transforms into sword, which i have to find before I ditch this place, and its all thanks to my unknown father. Oh boy am I gonna give him hell if I ever meet him!)

Unfortunately Tyson was that stupid..."Wow someone who actually appreciates being weird, don't see that often... Anyways when I read yo-" I glared at him he was asking for it. He cleared his throat and corrected himself. "When I used to read your mind... I would see a long hallway with a few doors all having a sign on them. Which I believe has something to do with your memories. I've only been through the door that said current thoughts. It's a small room with a couple couches, but that’s not the weirdest part most of the time I would see more than one of you arguing with back and forth at each other. Other times its just one of you talking to me, telling me things that you'd normally wouldn't say aloud. That’s about it really, I mean when I first obtained this power, it was hard to control, but now it comes easy."

"Why the hell am I so messed up?"

He Chuckled "Well for reading normal people it's all about listening." Tyson pointed to his ears. "Then again, since you’re really no one special you wouldn't hear a thing." (HA! That’s what you think!)

"Hey I'll be right back. Need the bathroom." I was done eating and it was time for me to book it, but first my screwdriver.

"Try not to get lost this time." he said as I walked away. I mimicked him in a hush tone. "I heard that!" (Damn super hearing asshole!)

I ran up some stairs and the hallway seemed familiar. I quickly looked for a white door with a golden handle and yes it was the spawn of satan's door, but it’s the only room where my screwdriver could possibly be. I put my ear up to the door to see if there were any signs of life. It was dead quiet. I opened the door with ease, And there was the stupid bat asleep in his oh so comfy bed.(Stupid bat...Hmm I like the sound of that.) I looked around the room with caution and to my surprise i could see something glowing under the bed. (Of course I must've kicked it under when I switched from lying on the floor to lying on the bed.) I gave myself a mental hive five and quietly ran over to the bed.

As I lay on the floor, my arm was just an inch to short for me to be able to reach my annoying yet precious screwdriver. I had no other choice but to try crawling even if it was physically impossible. The only thing I managed to do was get my arm to stretch a little further causing my fingertips too just barely touch the metal end.

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