Be a man... or bat... or... whatever

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I woke up to feel heat against my back. I turned around so that my front could get some warmth, only to collide with someone’s chest. (Ugh not again.)

“Trev…” I began furiously, only to stop and notice that this boy didn’t have black scruffy hair, but auburn. “Tyson? What are you doing here?” I said sitting up. He groaned and rolled on his stomach. I laid on my back and sighed, too lazy to get out of bed.

Tyson’s arm shifted positions and his hand landed on my belly. At first he just awkwardly patted my belly, as if unaware of what it was. However, when he did figure it out his had started to slide upwards and I had to slap it away. “Stop that, perv.” His hand moved back down to my stomach and he began to lightly rub it. “Stop that!” I giggled (When was the last time I giggled?) He wouldn’t stop however. I began to laugh louder. “Seriously…Stop! I’ll hit you” I said finding it hard to get angry at him. His arm wrapped around me and he pulled me closer to him. He turned around and smiled.

“The question is, what are you doing in my room?” I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. I noticed that his chocolate eyes were actually quite beautiful. His eyes searched, curiously, at mine for an answer.

“I didn’t really want to sleep next to anyone last night. (and that failed.) Especially not Trevor so I snuck out. This room was empty when I came so figured it was just an empty guest room.

“I guess I came home too late last night to even realize that there was someone else sleeping in my bed.”

“Where’d you go?” I asked curiously. His gaze shifted.

“You know out with some friends.” He said lacking confidence.

“Oh…” I said ending the conversation. I knew he didn’t want to talk about it so I didn’t keep bombarding him with questions.

“You won’t have to worry about seeing Trevor today.” Tyson said breaking the silence that had grown in the room.

“Why’s that?”

“He has some school thing today, so he won’t be home until dinner time.”

“Don’t we have school today?”

“Nah, it’s the weekend.” My eyes widened a little as I realized I had completely lost track of the days. We continued to talk about the school I’ll be attending, until both of us began getting tired again. I yawned and I felt the sheets come over us. “Good night Oz” I heard him yawn and my eyes began to droop.

“Good night Ty.” I said as sleep washed over me. I felt something warm touch my forehead and smiled a little as I drifted off.

When I awoke for the second time that morning, Tyson wasn’t there. There were some clothes on his side of the bed and a note.

I borrowed some clothes from Stella that you can were. I smiled realizing that I didn’t have to wear Trevor’s oversized clothes. You can use the shower and freshen up before coming down to breakfast. P.S. We should have sleepovers more often. I shook my head. (For once I want to go to bed and not wake up with a half naked guy right next to me…. Except Leon that floofy guy can sleep with me any time he wants.)

After showering and getting dressed I went down stairs for something to eat. As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed Stella and Tyson. Their plates were almost bare and I realized I might have slept too long.

“Good morning sleeping beauty.” Tyson said smirking. I just rolled my eyes and sat next to Stella.

“So what’s for breakfast?”

“The usual.” Stella said pointing to the island counter. I walked over and my eyes glistened over the array of food. (I think I’ve found food heaven.) My mouth watered as I grabbed chocolate chip pancakes, fresh fruit, and a chocolate croissant.

“This is the usual?” I said taking one last look at everything.

“Yea the chiefs don’t really know how to spice things up.” Tyson said chewing on something. I stared at him with disbelief this was a food wonderland. I sat down and we began talking.

“We should go…” Stella said with worry in her voice.


“He’s here and he’s hungry…” Tyson said clenching his fists.

“Who?” I said confused.

“The most vicious thing on earth.” He said taking a big gulp of orange juice.

“What is he?” before anyone could answer the thing came into the kitchen and I smiled. “Leon! Hello puppy, are you hungry?” Stella and Tyson stared in bewilderment.

“How is she doing that?” Stella said with awe. Tyson shook his head slowly. Leon began to lick me and Tyson expression went from shock to worry.

“Careful he might eat you!” Tyson said standing up. I furrowed my brows. (What? it’s just a dog.)

“Oh shut up and be a man… or bat… or… whatever… And come pet him he won’t kill you.” At first he just stood back, but eventually he came closer to the dog. Something strange happened to Leon and he began to snarl and growl at Ty.

“Okay I’m done, he obviously hates me.” Ty said backing up, when Leon started barking at him.

“Enemy of the wolves! Grrrr Enemy of the wolves!” Leon kept repeating. (Oh I get it dogs and bats have bad history together.) However since nobody else understood him they all shifted uncomfortably.

“Hey you play nice or I won’t give you food!” He whimpered a little before making a slight nod and I smiled. “Good boy, now go on, get some grub.” Once again the other two just stared, their jaws slightly dropped. I smiled. “Come on guys, let’s go do something I’m bored.”

“We have a game room in our basement. We can chill there if you want.” Tyson suggested.

“Oh sweet I can totally crush in you in super smash bros.” I said grinning.

“I loved to see that happen.” Stella said grabbing her favorite book and following us down the stairs.


Hey I hoped all of you liked chapter 17! I wrote a new story called Dragon Racers and it would mean the world to me if you guys checked it out. I felt that Stella and Tyson weren't getting enough attention so I made this chapter for that reason. Also for all the Tyson fans I hope this made you guys smile a little. STAY AWESOME! Fun Fact: A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball made of rubber.

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