What The Hell Am I Still Doing Here!?!

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The sound of kids laughing and chatting filled my ears. When I turned the corner, I saw Mr. Oakland blocking the lunch room doors. His eyebrows arched when he saw me.

“Are you planning on going inside.” He said crossing his arms.

“Well yes, I’m hungry.” (Duh why else would I go to a place that distributes food if I wasn’t going to eat there?)

 “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He said putting straightening his position in front of the door.

“Well you’re not me.” I said squeezing past him and through the doors.


The red ooze dripped off of their already red lips. Lust hungry eyes watched me like an injured animal. (What the hell did I just step into…) I saw the blond boy from class. He caught my gaze and he licked his lips playfully. I unconsciously took a step back. The once noise filled room was now silent and the others watched intently to see what would happen next. The boy began to stand up slowly; his blue eyes glistened when I gulped. It didn’t take genius to realize that I was his next meal. I began to turn my heel in efforts bust out of this place.

“Hey new girl where are you going?” I froze. (Shit) I turned around slowly and smiled sheepishly. (Play it cool Oz.) Blond boy was now tilting head and all traces of the blood hungry beast was gone. Almost.

“Um yea all the tables seemed to be full so I’m uh just going to eat somewhere else.” I could hear the lack of confidence in my voice.

“Oh well there’s room here if you want to join us.” His smile seemed friendly, but his eyes were telling another story. Not wanting anyone to suspect anything I slowly walked towards them.

“Thanks.” I sat at the only free seat next to him.

“I’m Nate by the way. This is Megan, Bryce, Kyle, Trevor, and Kristy.” He pointed to familiar faces and I nodded.

“I know Trevor, I’ll be staying at his house until my father comes back from his business trip.” I only said this to let Trevor know that, thanks to Ty, he is now in my spider web of lies. He nodded in understanding and agreement, but he’ll probably want to talk to me about it later. Kristy, who’s entire body was practically humping Trevor’s arm, pouted (damn you look ugly when you pout.) I smiled at my inner thoughts.

“Trevy! Why didn’t you tell me she was staying over?” Kristy said giving me what I assumed was her trying to give me the stink eye. She looked more like an ugly dog to me. (you know the ones with no fur, except for a little around his paws and tails; and his eyes look creepy as hell. Not to mention the ridiculously long tongue that can’t seem to stay in his mouth.) I didn’t understand girls like her. One minute they’re your best friend the next they want to slit your throat.

“You never asked.” Trevor said. “Oh and Oz did you have any trouble with finding your way around? Don’t be shy to ask me anything.” I shifted uncomfortably he seriously is creeping me out.

“Hey you want some?” Megan said passing me what looked like a sandwich covered in blood. I had to of an excuse and fast.

“Um no thanks I don’t eat human…” all eyes were now on me.

“What?” She said.

“It’s not that I don’t want to it’s just that I can’t. It’s like being lactose intolerant, but with blood” Most kids made an ‘O’ shape with their mouths in understanding. Trevor flashed a small grin, as if to say nice one idiot.

“That sucks.” Nate said; sneaking his arm over my shoulders. I shifted uncomfortable, but didn’t remove it. (Why the hell am I acting so pathetic?) Trevor’s eyes grew angry for the slightest second, but quickly returned to normal before anyone could notice. I looked around the lunch room while everyone was eating and sharing stories.

The lunch room was relatively large and although human blood was the key ingredient in almost every meal. The food actually looked like it could be edible. I noticed Stella sit with a group of kids. She seemed quite happy where she was everyone seemed to be smiling and the atmosphere seemed to give off a happy glow. Frankly, I wish I was over there. I turned my sights on a different table. I assumed it was the table for rebels since Tyson was at the head. I noticed the kid that I punched in the face. His nose was dark purple and so were the bags under his eyes. I quickly looked away when he caught my gaze. The last table I decided to analyze was one filled only with girls and Damon. I did a double take. (Wait What!?!) There was Damon being surrounded by girls who couldn’t wait to take off his clothes. Since when was Damon this popular? (And he has creepy long hair! How is that in any way attractive?) This school is seriously messed up.

“Are you coming to our meet today?” Nate asked.

“Uh sure… What sport do you play anyways?”

“Were on the swim team.” Trevor answered. “And you should come, how else are you going to get back to the house?” (One of your various butlers could pick me up.)

“Yea it’ll be great!” Nate’s hand suddenly rose to the back of my neck he started rubbing my jugular with his thumb. At this moment I decided to grow a pair.

“Right then!” I said pulling his arm off of me. “I just remembered I left my scarf in Mr. Oakland’s room I’ll see you guys later.” Without any hesitation I got up and left. I pushed the double doors open to see Mr. Oakland smiling.

“I didn’t expect you to last that long or even come out alive.”

“That was a dick move Mr. Oakland! You knew exactly what I was getting myself into and you didn’t do anything to stop me!” I barked at him.

“I did warn you and furthermore I am a teacher I will not tolerate such language.”

“Oh Bite Me!” I said starting to leave.

“Well if you insist.” He said chuckling. I turned around to say something, but just shut my mouth and stormed off. In only a couple of weeks I managed to get myself kidnapped, Get knocked out in more than one occasion, make friends with my kidnappers, meet up with my enemy, and go to a school with bats who can’t seem to leave me alone! It got me thinking. (WHAT THE HELL AM I STILL DOING HERE!?!)


We are only a few chapters away from the end of this Adventure. I've already started writing the next adventure so you guys won't have to wait long. Also I'd like to mention that these adventures will have no chronological order. Which means Sometimes Oz will have more powers in one adventure and little to none in another, this also means her attitude toward things might be different because she is either facing it for the first time or she done it before. STAY AWESOME! Fun Fact: The biggest dog on record was an Old English Mastiff that weighed 343 pounds. He was 8 feet, 3 inches from nose to tail.

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