Vampire Showdown

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As I walked down the creepy hall way, I couldn’t help but noticed that the further along I went the more eerie the place got. (Just keep walking, just keep walking… Oh look creepy cob webs this just keeps getting better and better.) It felt like something was crawling on my head. Now in public I would be like ‘Oh it’s just a spider.’ And then I would casually flick it away. Since I’m not in public, but instead lost alone in some spooky hallway my reaction was a little different.

“HOLY SHIT! Oh My G-D SPIDER! Oh My G-d it’s going to EAT ME.” This then followed an abundance of overly dramatic screams and me whacking myself a few times. When the fiasco was over, I quickly checked my surroundings to see if anyone had seen my little freak out. I sighed when the coast was clear. I dusted off any dirt that might have accumulated on my clothes and continued on my way.

“I’m telling you dude, I heard someone over here.” The sudden voice had made me jump. I quickly ran into an empty class room to hide.  I watched quietly through the small glass, as two boys began walking past. One of them stopped by the door and I crouched down until I was out of site. “I smell a human.” (crap I got to start buying perfume or something.) I felt his hand grip the door knob and I crawled as fast as I could to the other side of the class room.

“Seriously Cory there isn’t anybody here.” I heard footsteps enter the room and I swiftly hid under the teacher’s desk. Light flooded the room and it took every fiber of my being not to scream. Before me was a giant ass bug. All I could do was hold my breath and hope that both creatures would find something else to snack on. The footsteps got closer to the desk and I got out my screw driver.

“Guys? What are you doing in here?” A new voice coming from the door said.

“Hey boss.” Both boys, said in unison.

“Boss?” I mouthed in confusion.

“Corey smells a human. I thinks he’s nuts.”

“This is an old bio room, the scents are probably messing with your head.”

“Yea you’re probably right.” Cory said and the boys started leaving the classroom. “So did you hear about the new chick?” the door slammed and I thought I was home free.

“Get up Oz!” My eyes went wide. I popped my head from under the table. A smile grew on my face.

“Why were they calling you boss?” I said getting up.

“Like father like son.” Was his reply and he shrugged. “You know you have a spider crawling up your leg right?”

“Do I?” I said nonchalantly. (Holy Shit it’s going to suck some weird venom into me and I’m going to have to live my life on the run as a freak! Then I’ll have to wear some weird body suit and save people!... Oh wait I kind of already do that…except no body suits.) I casually flicked off the bug. It dropped to the ground, scurrying off to a dark corner. I looked up and Tyson was trying to hold in a laugh. “What’s so funny?”

“What are you some kind of superhero?” he said snickering. I furrowed my brows.

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Do you have a sidekick too?” he said giving me a cheeky grin.

“They are not sidekicks! They are my friends.” I said growing angry with his tone.

“Well where are they? And how come you’ve never mentioned them?” my expression grew sad.

“They are all gone.” I said looking down. I looked up to see a flash of guilt in his eyes but he quickly looked away from me and laughed.

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