❤What they think❤

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The Next Morning

As I woke up I looked around the room seeing sunlight peek from the window and noticed it was morning time and looked beside me and didn't see Eren next to me and quickly got up and ran outside and went around looking for Eren. I hoped he was okay after thinking he was a monster. I wondered what he was doing. "Ackerman" I heard a deep voice call me and turned around seeing Levi. "C-Corporal" I replied stepping back while still looking around for Eren.

"Why aren't you wearing shoes?" He asked annoyed as I looked down seeing my feet exposed and wiggled them around. "Oh um I was looking for Eren have you seen him?" I wondered as he shook his head. "Why you want to look for him?" He asked. "Your suppose to be training". "I know but I need to talk to him and if you see him can you tell him to come see me" I asked as he sighed.

"Yea now go train" he ordered and walked passed me as I went to my cabin to go change into my training uniform.

Eren's POV:

As I walked through the halls I hugged my arms tightly and looked down not once looking up. I didn't want to meet the scared faces that I passed and the people who actually backed up from me once they saw me coming through the hall. I gritted my teeth hearing them talk about me and whisper harsh words.

"Its Eren oh my gosh!" A girl screamed in hear. "I heard he appeared from a titan" a guy whispered. "Omg so is he against us or with us?" Another girl said. "Wait so doesn't this make him a monster?" A girl figured. I clutched my hands tightly at the name and lifted my head up as my eyes darted over to her and everyone screamed. "Alright everybody go train before I give you all something to clean!" I heard Levi ordered as they all scrambled like they was planning to.

I started breathing heavily and signed in agony. "Are you going to hurt me?" I asked turning around as he looked at me with the same emotionless face. "No I'm not but don't let them fools let the real you out now I suggest you go take a break from now" Levi said as I turned away about to leave. "Oh and Mikasa is looking for you" he told me and left, walking away

"M-Mikasa..." I said lowly and remembered what happened last night with me screaming and her coming to check on me, then the nightmares. I decided to go look for her and walked around the regiment hoping to find her on my walk. As I checked my room I didn't see her and then closed the door and turned around to keep walking until I heard my name. "Eren!" I heard a soft voice say and turned around seeing Mikasa with a nice soft smile on her face. She was so beautiful

Mikasa's POV:

I was happy to see he was okay since what happened last night seem to stress him out. I got closer to him and grabbed his hand and lifted his face a little so he met my eyes. "How was your day?" I asked hoping to have a good reply but as soon as I saw him frown I frowned. "What happened?" I asked hoping it wasn't that bad.

"It was awful Mikasa...I walked around and no one knew me as Eren Yeager/Jaëger or one of caption Levi's handpicked member, they just thought about what they heard and whispered it around me and the worst part was that I was called a monster" He explained and started to shake.

"Well is it mg fault?!" He nearly shouted. "Eren" "I didn't ask for this fucking life I was given, I didn't ask to be a titan shifter or become one of these monsters!" Eren yelled at me. 'Was be taking his anger out on me' was all in was thinking. "I never asked for any of it at all Mikasa that's why I want you to stay by me...I don't want to be alone for being known as a monster" he said calming down a little.

"E-Eren I'm so sorry this is all happening to you but remember we live in a world full of cruelty what every soldier see's out there is nothing but war and seeing you come from a titan they never once thought that you could be help but I do I believe we can use you to fight them off" I explained slowly so that he could fit every thing in his head one by one.

"Thanks Mikasa for believing in me" He said and I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me tightly. "Thanks for being on my side" he said in a high pitched voice meaning he was bout to cry. "Eren are you going to cry?" I asked. "N-no these are just tears of happiness I'm so happy Mikasa that you will look after me through the end" he said still not letting go of me.

"I'll never let go of you your so special to me" He whispered as I blushed and rubbed his head. "Yea thanks but for now I think you should lay down for the day" I suggested as he nodded. "Will you come sleep with me again" he mumbled since soldiers was passing us. The part that made Eren look down in guilt was when they actually scooted away from us and soon started running. "Don't listen to them Eren" I said and grabbed my hand and locked it with his.

"And yes I'll sleep with you tonight" I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "See you later Eren" I said but when I tried to walk away he tugged on my hand and pulled me back. "Can you walk with me" he asked as I was shocked then smiled. "Okay" I said and he seemed happy to be with me, like I was the only one in the world who understood him. After all I should repay him he saved my life when I was little and I vowed to always be by his side no matter what.

If they think of him as a monster I say there wrong to me he's humanity's weapon against the titans

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