❤two of what?❤

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Eren's POV:

Its just doesn't feel right. A month has passed since the event with Jean and nothing has likely to happen. It bugged me because I didn't know if he was dead or not and everytime I slept I would have a nightmare about Jean taking Mikasa and doing sorts of things with her and me not able to help because I was a monster. Even though I've been helping Mikasa and risking my life like how no other monster would I was still being tormented and called a freak or a monster. But I wasn't! If they was me they would experience the pain I went through and just maybe be a little more nice to me. Now I was outside of the infirmary waiting for Mikasa to come out and the results. She was 5 months and 2 weeks pregnant which meant a few more months and the baby will come, which means I'll officially be a father and would have to look after Mikasa and our little girl. I still wondered what the name would be. But that wasn't the problem my concerns pointed to our child's life, what if she was called a monster to? Or could possibly be a Titan shifter? Could that happen?

The door opened as Hanji came out ruining my thoughts as i stood up quickly from the seat I sat in and saw as Mikasa came out right behind her. "So how is the baby?" I asked as a huge grin crept among her face. Whatever it was she had to tell me she seemed really excited about it. I made a patient face although I was really nervous what she would say. "You know how I said we was having a girl?" She asked with a questioning face. I nodded slowly having no idea where this was heading. "Y-yea why?" I asked as she clapped her hands together and squealed loudly full of excitement.

"WERE HAVING TWINS!" She yelled out loud as I stood there blinking. I knew what twins was that meant 2 children! All I wondered was how can babies fit in that small stomach of hers. "Wait what?" I asked frantically. "Yep one girl and one boy!" She added jumping a little as I soon started to smile. "This is great were going to have a nice big family!" I laughed a little as we hugged each other tightly. "Well you two have fun" Hanji waved as we started walking outside. "Hey Eren" Mikasa said out of nowhere as I turned to her while we walked to our room. "Hm?" I asked waiting for a reply. "What if our kids tend to be like us when we was little?" She asked ending with a chuckle. "Then we will be seeing a replay of our childhood" I said as we both laughed at the good times. I stopped first remembering my mom's death and she probably saw the sadness all over again in my face. "Our kids won't witness such things we have were doing this for our family" I said as we reached the door. Mikasa nodded.

I opened the door as we both got in and I sat along the bedside with her on top of my lap. She was getting a little heavy but for the most part she was light thank God. "I love you" Mikasa said softly cupping both of my cheeks together as I blushed a bit. I was getting use to her touch about now. " I love you to" I said pulling her closer to me as I pressed my lips against hers and she locked hers with mine. I pulled my hand to her head and pulled her in deeper. While we made out I laid back slowly so she wasn't startled if I went fast so I hold her a little tightly and laid back onto the bed. We both let go and I pulled Mikasa beside me as she snuggled against my neck me feeling her nice warm breathe against my bare exposed neck.

"Are you worried?" I asked out of the plain silence that went on between us. "About?" She asked a few seconds after my question. "About Jean he-" "Eren seriously" Mikasa groaned laying up. "Jean is gone he is dead so get over it please" she told me. I sighed. I probably should of known she would say something like that but was it my fault? All I wanted to know was if he was dead or not and if not I wanted her protected. "Just get over Jean I'm sure he isn't hat obsessed w-" "he took you away from me and raped you!" I yelled at her angrily. I didn't know why I was yelling at her I was just to mad to deal with this gosh why did I bring this up.

"Baby chill okay don't let him get to you" Mikasa said laying back beside me as I sighed. The door opened as I laid up to see Levi standing in the door way. "Eren get to training" Levi ordered strictly. "What about Mikasa she just got here" I said standing to my legs. "She either has the option to watch or stay here with Reiner and Bertholdt on guard" Levi said then walked out of the room. "Sorry Mikasa duties call" I said helping her to her feet. "It's okay I'll watch you" "okay". We both walked out of the room and I helped her find a place to sit as I went to go train with Ymir.

Mikasa's POV:

I sat down on one of the chairs Levi pulled out for me as I laid against the cozy fabric watching as Eren went over to Ymir to go train. I loved watching him train to see if he improved in some things and just interested to see what happens. Feeling the wind touch my face as I closed my eyes enjoying the nice relaxing moment. I heard a few grunts and whimpers as I slowly opened my eyes seeing Ymir on top of Eren pulling his arm trying to dislocate his shoulder. "YMIR STOP!" I yelled as she got off him and stood up and trudge away looking for Christa. I ran to Eren and helped him up as he grunted. "Are you okay?" I asked helping him up as he nodded. "Yea thanks Mikasa go sit back down its just training" he said leaving to find another sparring partner.

I walked back to my chair and sat back down and decided to take a short nap. After a few seconds into the dream I shot up and started breaking heavily. All I saw was me crying with Eren on he ground with blood drooling from his mouth, lifeless eyes and by a wall I recognized really quick. It was wall Maria. What is up with that dream? Didn't Eren tell me something about that a long time ago? I shrugged and got up when the bell rung for lunch as we went over to the mess hall.

Third Person POV

As everybody walked off the field and into the mess hall a figure from far walking with a blade stabbed into his shoulder, dried up blood on his clothes he still wore that day he almost got killed. He took the blade from his shoulder not showing any signs of pain. "This time...I'm going to kill you Eren Yeager"

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