Normal POV:
Jean laid on top of Mikasa ripping her shirt off of her as she screamed in agony not wanting to go through the bad experience again. She yelled Eren's name endlessly with her throat getting sore as it started to tighten and her eyes was swollen. Eren groaned trying to get up as titan steam rose from his body. Eren tried to get up but his body was so weak and in pain that he couldn't even lift himself. He groaned in pain trying to ignore it but it hurt him so badly. "EREN PLEASE HELP ME!" Mikasa yelled as he punched the ground. "D-D-Dammit" he mumbled. "Hey Eren guess what your girl seems to be enjoying me" Jean yelled loud enough for him to hear as Mikasa moaned in pain clenching onto the grass. "EREN PLEASE!" She yelled again as he started to lowly cry. "I-I c-cant do it... I'm sorry Mikasa I just can't" he said coughing a little bit as he tried his best to get up but fell back down. "FUCK!" Eren yelled out loud holding his wound.
"Hey Eren might want to save your girlfriend she seems to have given up on you" Jean smirked grabbing her face forcefully and mashing his lips against hers as she let go and slammed her head against his causing him to curse. Jean slapped Mikasa and pulled her up. "You will be my girlfriend and like it!" Jean said as Eren laid there tired and feeling weak. "I knew you wouldn't be able to do it yet you was able to save Armin with a missing leg back in trost, you poor poor little monster can't even heal yourself now your going to loose the love of your life" Jean spoke licking Mikasa cheek as she grunted in disgust. "You bitch get away from me!" She yelled her voice hoarse and dry. "Hey Guess what Eren since your Mom is dead now Mikasa will be to it will be more fun seeing you depre-" "GO TO HELL!" Eren yelled as Jean punched him in the face as Eren flew to his side laying down. "I-I'm not a monster! I can protect her just you watch Jean!" He said trying to stand up. "Eren its okay sweety don't overwork yourself over me I'm just another body waiting to give up on this cruel world" Mikasa said looking at him with more tears streaming down her face. The two finally made eye contact.
"M-Mikasa d-don't say that" Eren said as Jean went back to torturing her. "S-she cant- no I won't watch this I can't!" Eren got up and was finally able to stand up straight and ran to Jean and almost but was able to push him off of Mikasa. "You won't hurt her this time!" Eren yelled. "Let's see if you can keep up in that condition" Jean smirked pulling Eren up and punching him back down as he fell over and grunted. "Eren just stop" Mikasa cried. "Your going to hurt yourself. She watched as the two boys fought each other making bruises on each other. "Your going to pay!!!" Eren yelled punching his face with his elbow. "Your going to fucking pay!" Eren yelled and started choking him as Jean pulled on his hair making Eren loose his grip as Jean punched him in the face making Eren's nose bleed. Eren saw the knife and crawled to it and grabbed it and when Jean tried to grab him he quickly turned around and stabbed Jean in his side and pushed him down and when he was about to attack Eren again someone pulled jean over as Hanji helped Eren up with Levi kicking Jean in the head.
"You stupid pig what was you thinking" Levi said. "Tch" he added as Eren thanked Hanji and went to Mikasa and helped her up. "M-Mikasa!" Eren smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked hugging her tightly
"Yes I'm fine but your seriously injured Eren you need to go to the infirmary" Mikasa said cupping his cheeks and kissing him. "Did he hurt you?" "No not besides the slap" Mikasa said as Eren kissed the bruise. "Love you Mika-Chan!" Eren smiled and hugged her then his grip got loose and he fell as she quickly caught him. "Eren needs help!" Mikasa said as Levi carried him and they went to the infirmary but then Hanji turned around. "Where did Jean go?"

Fanfiction(COMPLETED) Being a titan wasn't on Eren's list and he hated thinking he was a monster or when people called him one. He would cuddle in a corner by himself and would cry and yell then torture himself and only one person made him feel like he was hu...