Mikasa POV:
I couldn't wait to see Eren today as I walked a little faster rubbing my stomach leaving Levi trudging behind me. He looked tired but I did not ask why. It was about 5 in the morning and I had visited Eren yesterday and asked to go on a little date before training started and lucky me he agreed. He also started healing better and he has crutches that he is using to walk. I was happy to see he was doing fine. As we got to the infirmary since I was in a good mood I turned around to Levi before we entered. "Thanks for watching me for the passed 2 days and while your at it you should sleep I think you need it" I said and bowed to him. "Thank you corporal" I smiled and went inside probably leaving him shock that I was actually nice to him. But that was because Hanji finally updated me about what our baby was meaning I knew what it was. I went inside and looked around seeing the soldiers heal from the last expedition which wasn't long ago. I found Eren's room and went inside and saw him sleeping and couldn't help but blush at how cute he was!!
I quietly went next to him and bent down beside him and gently touched his warm cheeks. He didn't move or anything and I slowly got in the bed with him and before I knew it he was already on top of me his arms wrapped around my waist and his head in between my neck and shoulder. For a few minutes I waited till he was ready and shook him a little as he woke up a bit. "Hmm?" He asked like he knew I was here. I guess he did. "Hey ready to see the sunset?" I asked as he laid up and rubbed his eyes. "Mikasa what are you doing here?" He asked. I just chuckled. "Remember I asked to see the sunset before training starts" I said. We wouldn't be training I just hated when it was crowded and I could barely hear what people say when they talk to me. "Oh yea hey can you help me get up" he asked as I nodded and walked to the other side of the bed and helped him up as he limped a little on his feet so I holded him still. "Where are the crutches?" I asked as he pointed to the wall behind me. I turned around and grabbed them both and helped him put his arms into them. "Thanks baby" he said as I walked ahead leading the way in the dark. I opened the door to his room and we left quietly heading into the training field. "Hey Mikasa before the sunset rises can I ask you something" I heard Eren say as I nodded and walked up closer to him. "What is it?" I asked. "I heard a few things and I wanted to hear the truth from you so I wouldn't think I'm crazy" Eren started chuckling a bit. "So um I heard a conversation and a girl said they saw you running and you came to the regiment all bloody is that true?" He wondered. I didn't want to keep it from him. It would only make things worse probably. I nodded. "Yes Eren its true but the thing is I didn't mean it I wondered off with my eyes close and suddenly I was in the big huge forests and yes I was bloody because a titan chased me but I'm alive now and it took a lot to make sure I didn't hurt my stomach" I explained.
He just looked at me. I didn't know what he was going to say but all I managed to say after that was "sorry" even though he didn't do anything. "Its okay Mikasa its fine but please don't ever do that again I was so worried about you" he said putting his arms over me. "Sorry baby" I said and I took the crutches from him and placed them softly on the floor and holded him so he wouldn't fall. "Okay ready to lay down?" I asked as he nodded. I bent down with him a little and even though it took time we managed to get on the ground safely. "Oh next week is another expedition to wall Sina to confront the female titan you know you can't come since your pregnant" Eren spoke as I sighed and looked at him. "But your coming fresh from the infirmary" I said. "That's what a scout does they give there life to reclaim land that humanity needs" he told. "Baby please don't get hurt you know how Annie is I witnessed her fighting skills-" "so did I Mikasa and I know what I'm up against I'll be ready this time" he said sounding sure. "You got beat by her though she is to strong!" I said so he wouldn't try to go into action. I didn't want him to be a hero or a scout. I wanted him alive and with me so we can have a family together and live the life we wanted.
"I'll be fine Mikasa" he said lifting my chin up as he pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips against mine as I kissed back gently and we let go soon after. The light from the sun started beaming into the corner of our eyes as we turned to the sky seeing the sun rising in the horizon. "Hey look that's a beautiful color" Eren pointed out as I agreed. Indeed a nice heart warming sunset to see. It was quiet for a few minutes as we watched the sun. I looked over at Eren and he had his eyes close while the wind blew.
"Its a girl" I said as his eyes slowly opened and he looked at me confused. "What you mean?" He asked."The baby...it's a girl" I said smiling at the thought as he turned to me and smiled. "Beautiful now I will have two perfect ladies in my life" Eren said pulling me closer to him and I got comfortable on him. He kissed the top of my forehead and we went to sleep.
~Sorry if it sounded a little rush I'm getting tired so anyway gn people and next update soon!

Fanfiction(COMPLETED) Being a titan wasn't on Eren's list and he hated thinking he was a monster or when people called him one. He would cuddle in a corner by himself and would cry and yell then torture himself and only one person made him feel like he was hu...