❤The end❤

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Mikasa's POV

I stood here hopelessly as I look over Eren's lifeless body that I would no longer see or do anything with. I felt useless as I heard the sound of hooves stumbling against the ground as the scouts finally made it here picking up Eren's body and what was left of Jean. I heard a familiar voice call me.

"Mikasa!" Armin yelled out to me as I smiled a bit hugging Armin tightly as I cried into his neck. "He's gone Armin... he's dead" I break to him crying really hard. He did nothing but stayed quiet and patted my back comforting me. As he patted me I saw as Hanji and Levi put Eren into the cart where the dead bodies went. They put the white stained sheet over his body as I let go of Armin and ran over to the cart and got on.

I held his hand tightly as we rode back from the scene of wall Maria to the Scout regiment as I cried lowly to myself. "Eren" I softly say as tears hit his body. "I'm so sorry"


2 years has passed ever since what has happened with Eren dying and saving Mikasa. She finally had her twins one named Eren and the other named Katheren. She named Eren after her husband of course and how he looked just like him. Short brunette hair,green emerald eyes, a small pointy nose and a attitude of a steaming pot. But although Katheren was more like Eren to she had Mikasa features but carried Eren's eye color as well. Mikasa remembered everything that has happened and has been watching the kids with Armin who had agreed to watch them with her. Mikasa and Armin talked about Eren visiting wall Maria every few times to see Eren's grave where Mikasa always prayed for him.

There was not one day Mikasa never stopped thinking of Eren and wished that maybe if he was here things be better off. But at least the family was safe

The two kids ran around the house in wall Sina where Mikasa thought it be a great idea to live. I mean after all nothing has happened in the past 2 years. "Hey no running" Mikasa tells the twins as they went up to there rooms to play. She rolled her eyes playfully as she went into there kitchen and continued to cook the food that was almost finish to be made for the kids and Armin.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Hm Armin was you expecting anyone to come over?" She asked as he nodded. "No not at all why?" He asked as she made her way to the door and grabbed the blade that she held to kill Jean that night as she prepared herself and opened the door.

But she stopped before attempting to hurt the person who stood at the door. "Hey don't you dare hurt me with that" the male laughed as Mikasa dropped he blade and covered her mouth in shock.

"Eren" she cried

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