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Mikasa's POV:

The next morning I woke up early and stretched popping a few of my joints and look to my side seeing Eren still sleeping. He was so adorable as I placed a kiss on his cheek and as soon as I got out of bed I noticed something as I passed his mirror and looked at my stomach and turned to the side seeing a small lump. When did I started getting fat?
I decided to ignore it and put on my scouting uniform and tickled Eren's nose seeing it twitch and smiled. "Eren wake up" I said shaking him lightly as his eyes started slowly opening and he turned to the side and looked at me then he rubbed his eyes and groaned a little making a small cute noise. "Hmm Mikasa?" He asked as I poked his small nose. "Get up Eren time to eat breakfast" I said in a low tone as he closed his eyes for a few then laid up. "Oi Mikasa can we eat later" he asked as I looked at him. "But I don't want to get the bad food now let's go" I said bringing him to his feet and he started changing. When he finished we headed out together and was walking hand in hand and soon we saw Jean walk in our direction. Eren pulled me on his other side as I watch both him and Jean exchanged glares and when they passed each other Eren looked back which made me wonder why but I didn't care as I pulled his arm and we started walking again

When we got to the mess hall I couldn't wait to start eating as we found our seats with Armin and the rest of our friends. "Hey Mikasa and Eren!" Reiner greeted. "Hey" we both said at the same time. "You two seem to be together often what's up?" Ymir asked as I blushed. "Me and Eren is dating now" I said as everyone stood up and yelled "WHAT!" So loud!

"What?" Eren asked as Armin couldn't help but laugh. "Its just we always thought you didn't like Mikasa and seeing you two together is just cute" Christa explained. "Oh I admitted my feelings first just so you know" Eren said as all the girls was in awe. "Yea I've been spending the night in his room for a while now" I said and soon we started talking about our relationship. "I'm going to get us something to eat" Eren whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek before getting up and leaving. "So did you two ever have sex together?" Ymir asked smirking as my face went red. "Ymir don't ask that!" Christa said punching her shoulder. "Its there privacy" she added, "and I got curious" Ymir said holding her hands in defense. "Well we did twice" I spoke as everyone gasp. "How was it like?!" Christa asked. "Um what was that thing about privacy?" Ymir asked Christa while smirking as she growled at her. "Yea how was it Mikasa?" Sasha asked grabbing Bertholdt untouched breakfast and gulping it all down.

"It was great and it felt loving we put all of our love into it" I explained. "You should teach bertholdt about that he doesn't even know how to talk to his crush" Reiner said laughing as we all looked at Bertholdt and saw he was sweating and really red. Then Christa slapped Reiner. "Don't talk about Mr Bertholdt like that he didn't do anything to you!" Christa yelled. "Yea he did, he kicked me off the bunk of our bed" Reiner said.

I looked up and saw Eren come back with our plates of food as I thanked him when he handed me my food. "Eat up" Eren said as I started eating my breakfast while hearing the guys and Eren talk about whatever and the girls talk about something with giving Ymir a makeover. When I finished eating my breakfast I noticed I was still hungry and looked at Eren's unfinished food and grabbed it and started eating. "Mikasa I was going to eat that!" Eren told me as I shrugged. "You was taking forever and it was getting cold" I said finishing it quickly as everyone looked at me. "You okay Mikasa?" Armin asked as I nodded. "Yea I'm fine" I said getting up but as soon as I did I didn't feel good and ran to the other side of the room and vomited in the trash can. I'm pretty sure everyone was looking at me.

"Mikasa!?!" I heard my friends call out to me as Eren came by my side and patted my back. "I don't think the food went down the right tube Mikasa come lay down in my room" Eren suggested as he grabbed my hands but I let go and kept going. I didn't feel like moving at all and my body was feeling weak and numb. "Hey bertholdt can you come help me with Mikasa and bring her to my room" I heard Eren say. I soon felt hands on the back of my knees as I fell backwards and into long arms and looked up seeing bertholdt and closed my eyes to take a nap

Awe Poor Mikasa doesn't even know what's happening to her :(

But its a good thing if they love each other I mean

Welp update coming soon!

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