Chapter 8

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Jasmine groaned at the evening sun on her face, wondering how long she had been out cold. She yawned and finally managed to open both eyes. Looking around she found herself alone in the infirmary with her ankle neatly wrapped in a bandage. Her head snapped to the door as the sound of mild chatter approached it. She was just about to grab Tabitha from her bag when suddenly a girl about her age with electric blue hair stormed into the room. She smiled at Jasmine before calling to the other people outside.

"Guys! She's awake!"

In the time it took for Jasmine to blink, the girl had already moved to her bedside. Jasmine was utterly baffled.

"How did you-"

"How did I what?"

Jasmine made some weird gestures with her hands. The girl got the message.

"Oh that!" the girl winked, "it's a secret. And I'm Brooke by the way"

"Brooke, away from her. Now."

A tall, athletic looking red haired girl walked into the room with a sword in hand. She pointed the sword at Brooke. Her voice sounded intimidating and hostile. Not friendly at all.

Brooke backed away with her hands up in mock surrender. She was clearly annoyed. Jasmine gulped. The minute Brooke moved away, she had a blade against her neck.

"Full name, age, hometown," demanded the red head. Her voice was dangerously low.

"Jasmine Michaels, age 17, Cedar Creek."

The girl dropped the sword and retrieved a clipboard from Jasmine's bedside table and filled it in with a black fountain pen. Jasmine cleared her throat before speaking.

"Um, your scariness, if you don't mind me asking, why am I being interrogated?"

The girl shot Jasmine a warning look as he scowl deepened. Luckily for Jasmine, Eluard came to her rescue. He walked in followed by Gabriel and two others.

"Roxanne, leave her alone. If you haven't noticed, you're kind of freaking her out."

The red head, Roxanne, rolled her eyes and moved away from Jasmine with a huff.

"You're no fun Ellie," she muttered.

"Who are you people?!" shrieked Jasmine.

Eluard stepped forward.

"You've already met Gabriel Dos Santos. The blue haired one is Brooke Jordan, the scary redhead is Roxanne Crimson, the pale, long haired one is Aaliyah Kingston and the nicer looking redhead is Castiel Walker. Around these parts they call us the elites."

Jasmine looked at each of them, observing the way they looked and moved. They all looked friendly and welcoming. Except for Roxanne of course. The Hellfire Corps.

"Wait, 'Corps' as in military force or something?" asked Jasmine.

Roxanne scoffed.

"You ask that question as if you've been living under a rock for over a decade."

Jasmine fiddled with her sleeves self-consciously.

"Well, you could put it like that..."

Roxanne raised her eyebrows, her face showing intrigue for a moment before returning into a scowl again. Castiel gave her a look that simply said 'explain please'. Jasmine sat up in the bed and cleared her throat.

"My mother being my mother has kept me locked up in her house for almost 16 years now. I've been kept oblivious to almost everything going on in the world. I had a tutor, but she really wasn't allowed to tell me much. Heck, I only found out about this whole upcoming war thing a few days ago. I snuck out, got lost – it's a long story involving a bear and a sortis well."

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