Chapter One

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                Although I couldn’t see the front of his face or the back,               I did get a pretty good view of the right side of him. His long dark brown-almost black-hair was tied back in a tight ponytail and the back of his head, giving me a wonderful view of his slightly pointed nose, his deeply tanned pimple free skin and if he turned his head a little towards me, I could just get a glance of his golden eyes. Most people would call his eyes hazel or brown, but in my mind they’re a shiny golden colour. Caleb Anderson has been my crush for at least two years now and I’ve only ever spoken to him if I was dared to by my friends or when he actually talked to me and that’s only when he has to.

Caleb glanced back at me and I quickly turned my head to face the front of the class, where the teacher Mrs Thatcher was talking about Pythagoras theorem or something. I know maths is my favourite subject, but whenever I catch one peek of Caleb, the whole idea of maths just rushes out of my brain. He has always had that effect on me, but I don’t understand why.

It sounds stupid, considering how I’m a vampire and all. You would think that because I’m a vampire, that I would have unnatural confidence, but to tell you the truth, I’m just like every other teenage girl, except for the vampire part of course.

Caleb was still looking back at me, I tried to ignore him, but he was right in the corner of my eye so I looked at him. Big mistake, well, depends of how you look at it. For me, it was bliss, it was like our eyes locked in on each other and everyone else in the class room, no the world, just disappeared into thin air.

A loud bang brought the two of them back to earth, Claire looked up and saw Mrs Thatcher standing tall and angrily in front of Claire’s table. She quickly looked back down at her table a saw a book on it that didn’t belong to her. Realisation came over me in one clear view, Mrs Thatcher either noticed that I wasn’t paying attention or I didn’t answer a question she asked me and tried to get attention by slamming the book down of the table.

I looked back up at her and asked in a very strong and confident tone, “Yes Miss?” In my mind, I kept on thinking please don’t give me another detention for gawking at the most hostesses guy in school.

“Why aren’t you paying attention to what I’ve been saying?” she answered with another question. I hate it when she does that, it means she’s really mad.

“I don’t know,” I shrugged in a sort of ‘I don’t care’ sort of way.

“You don’t know?” she mocked me; well it sounded like she was mocking me. I shrugged again. I looked around at everyone else and they were all trying very hard not to laugh. All expect Caleb, he looked… sorry? Why would he well sorry for me? Does he like me? Am I over reading this? Probably, I over read a lot of things. “Well, Claire. I know exactly why you haven’t been listening to me.”

“And what reason would that be?” my confidence was building by the second.

“Because you’ve been fantasizing about Caleb, again,” the whole class burst out in laughter and my confidence level burn, just like my cheeks, back down to the level of a scared two year old girl. “You will stay in after class and so will you Caleb, I’ve seen you looking at Claire too,” she said, turning to face an also embarrassed Caleb.

Mrs Thatcher walked back up to the front of the class and began her lecture as if as nothing had happened. Typical.

When class ended, instead of packing up my books and heading to lunch, I stayed in my seat along with Caleb, who didn’t even move from his current position. About ten minutes after the teacher gave us detention, he just stopped moving, like he was dead or something. Of course he wasn’t, I could hear his heartbeat loud at clear, but he didn’t move an inch. He just sat in his seat and was really, really deep in thought.

When the last student shuffled through the door, the teacher turned on them and snapped at them, “You two, you have great potential with all your classes, it’s such a shame that you get distracted with each other. Did you know, that when either of you get in trouble, it’s always because you won’t stop looking at the other?” I was just too shocked to answer her, if what she’s saying is true, that must mean that Caleb likes me. This time I sure-mostly-that I’m not reading into it too much. He must like me, I thought. It’s like a dream come true, maybe I should ask him out. “Will you two promise to pay attention in class?”

I didn’t think I could reply without screaming out in joy, but thankfully I didn’t have to. “Of course we will,” answered Caleb and I just nodded when Mrs Thatcher looked over at me.

Mrs Thatcher sighed, “Alright, you two may go, but you must complete this work sheet by Tuesday.” She went back to her desk, moved a few bits of paper around, obviously found what she was looking for and returned to give a sheet of paper with a thousand questions on it. “Remember, completed by Tuesday.”

“Yes Miss,” this time it was me who replied and it was Caleb who nodded.

We both gathered up our books and pens, shoved them into our school bags; mine was a medium sized black leather satchel with a bloody rose on the front, I love this bag and Caleb’s was an awesome black backpack with cute little skulls all over it. Then one by one, we walked out the door into the hallways of Braemar College.

Braemar College is a private school, but it’s basically the only high school/college at Mt Macedon. You would have to agree though, it’s a really great school and big. When I first saw the place, I thought it was more of a castle. I guess it would have to be big, to hold all the students here.

Caleb walked off to the left of the door we just exited and paused. I stopped too, I don’t know why, but I felt like I needed to stay. Caleb turned to look at me and opened his mouth, but then closed it again without saying a thing.

“What?” I asked in a very calm and soothing tone.

“Nothing,” that was all he said before turning around and walking silently down the hall, away from me.  He was gonna say something, I thought. I wonder what it was. I mentally shrugged I walked the opposite way to my locker to put my books away.

Turning the corner, leading into the English section of the building and where my locker was, I got I really horrible feeling. It felt like someone was watching me and not just a quick glance, but full on stare. It was incredibly creepy. I looked around, but could see nothing, even with my vampire eye sight.

“Who’s there?” I asked, I didn’t expect and answer and I wasn’t disappointed.

 I was still looking around when I caught a strange scent, but at the same time it was familiar. It was all musky, kind of like the smell you would get off and animal, but cleaner and sweeter somehow.

I followed the scent, all the way back down the hall, around a few corners into the sciences section of the building and found myself standing in front of Caleb. I gasped and at the same time I took a big sniff of the air around Caleb and me and found that the smell was coming from him. Why did Caleb smell like a dog? Was he the one following me?

Once I got past the confusion I finally asked him, “Did you see someone run down here?” I couldn’t ask him if he was the one following me, it would’ve made me sound like a creep or crazy person.

“Nope,” he said plainly. I had a feeling he was lying, but I didn’t push it. I looked him up and down, I just couldn’t help myself, he’s so cute and of course he’s really hot and sexy too. He was standing like he was leaning against something with his arms crossed across his chest, making his already messed up grey shirt, fold up under his arms, showing off a small section of his lower stomach. I wonder what it would be like to run my hands over him, I blushed at that thought.

“OK then, bye,” I was still blushing and I have no idea how I managed to get my voice to sound so cool and calm.

“See you in art,” he said as I walked away, I looked over my shoulder, but he was nowhere in sight. How could he move that fast? Only vampyies could move that fast and he is most defiantly not a vampyre. I would’ve already caught his scent if he was. I just shrugged it off and went back to my locker. 

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