Chapter Six

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Claire’s pov


                That’s all that filled me as my mother publicly humiliated me, by slapping me across my face. “Why are going out with that boy?!” she screamed. I looked around, seeing if anybody had noticed and of course there was a few faces looking at us. “Look at me!” I looked at her, but avoided her eyes.

                “I told dad that I was going out,” I whimpered.

                “Stop going to your father about everything, you ungrateful little bitch!” She slapped me again. “You need to talk to me! I am your mother and leader!” My mother gripped my wrist and pulled me along with her when she started to walk back to her car.

                Once we got there she ripped open the backseat door, she picked me up and threw me inside before slamming the door. I didn’t bother sitting up and doing up my seatbelt, mum would just drag me out, better to be lying down when that happens.

                To soon my mother reopened the door, grabbed my ankles, none too kindly, and pulled until I was flat on the ground. “Stop!” I knew instantly that the voice belonged to my father. I slowly sat up and watched as he stepped in front of my mum and pulled my ankles out of her grip.

                “Why must you always stop me when I’m teaching our children a lesson?” she crossed her arms over her chest.

                “This is not how you teach your own children!” He finally glanced at me and before I knew it, I was safely wrapped in his arms. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” He took me inside and carried me all the way to the bathroom I share with Lucy. Lucy was already inside and she took one look at me in our father’s arms before rushing to fill the bath.

                “Why does mother pick on me and not you or Bobby?” I asked Lucy, once I was sitting in the bath while she cleaned the last of my blood off. I had already healed from when mum slapped and dragged me around, but only in body have I healed.

                “I do not know,” she answered truthfully. “Sometimes I wish she would harm me, just so that I know she actually pays attention to me.”

                “I would rather be ignored then beaten.” I looked around at my sister and burst into tears at the sight of her. Her thick coat of eye make-up was running down her face, along with her own tears. I sat up and wrapped her tightly in my arms and held her.

                “I hate that she does this to you,” she sopped. I pulled away from her, gently pulled the face washer she had and I carefully wiped her face free of her sorrow. “I just wish I was strong enough to stop her.”

                “She’s our mother and leader, what would you be able to do?” I asked her, as I stepped out of the bath, freshly cleaned, and dried myself while Lucy continued to talk.

                “You will be leader of this coven when you turn nineteen, you can stop her then.”

                I wrapped the towel around my body and I shook my head at Lucy’s idea. “No, revenge is never the answer.”

                “Look at what she does to you!” She stood up in my face and stared me down. “How can you not want revenge?” I ignored her question.

                “If you want revenge then you should’ve become leader of the coven.”

                “You know I am not allowed.” I did. Lucy has for some reason, been addicted to drugs, drinks and parties too much and the leader of this coven-mum and dad-and the vampire council have refused to allow Lucy to be leader of out coven. So they looked to me, the next heir and born leader.

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