Chapter Four

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Fully feed and healthy, I walked into the house, past the lounge room and my dad’s study all the way into my room at the end of the long hallway. I still had an hour until Caleb came to get me and I still needed to call Shira, so I walked out through the sliding doors, that hold as my windows, out onto the deck to leads directly out into the forest. Perfect for a newly made vampire, quick access to animals filled with blood.

I pulled my phone out of my front pocket, that was hard considering how tight my pants are, and dialled Shira’s number. She picked up on the second ring. “Hello?” she asked, sounding a bit bored.

“It’s me,” that’s all it took for her to get back into her perky self.

“Finally, I’ve been waiting for ages! What happened? Was it him? Did he ask you out?”

“Would you calm down!” I snapped, when I could actually get a sentence in.

“Sorry,” she said guiltily. “Tell me exactly what happened, from the moment I left.”

“OK, well, when I got back to my locker, no one was there. I started to freak, thinking that he got tired of waiting and left, but out of nowhere, Caleb appeared.”

“’Appeared’ as in he came out of thin air?”

“No, I mean he was like hiding in the shadows or something, that’s all.” Shira snorted, but ignored it for two reasons. One, I’m guessing she’s thinking that Caleb is supernatural like me. Two, I really wanted to tell her the rest of the story. “After he appeared he was asking why I was late or something and I told him that I was talking to you. Then he asked me out to the movies tonight, he’s picking me up in about an hour,” I waited for the screaming of joy. I didn’t have to wait long.

“Oh My God, did you say yes? Please say you said yes!” she screamed.

“Of course I said yes, I’ve had a crush on him for years. Why on earth would I say no when I have a chance to go out with him?”

“Good point.”

“OK, I’ve got to go and get ready. Bye.”

“OK bye, wait. What time his he picking you up?”

“Around 5:30, so in about forty minutes or so,” I said, looking at my cloak.

“You better get ready then,” I rolled my eyes. “Bye.” I hung up before she could say another thing. I walked over to my massive walk-in-cupboard to have a little hunt and look through.

What to wear? I thought. I had all the latest fashions, only because Sophie made me though. I can’t wear anything to casual, because it’s a date, but I can’t wear anything formal, because it’s only the movies.

I grabbed almost everything out of my cupboards before I finally found a pair of black really tight skinny jeans, my black combat boots, a dark mossy green one shoulder shirt and I finished the look with black eye liner, blue mascara, dark blue eye shadow, strawberry lip gloss and I straightened my long thick black hair, so it was a bit longer than normal.

I looked in the mirror, decided that I looked pretty if not beautiful, grabbed my handbag, with my iPhone, house keys, my purse inside it and my creamy brown coloured coat off my bed and headed to my dad’s study. I knocked on the door and entered when I heard him said ‘Enter.’

“Hello Claire,” said my father, without looking up from his desk.

I looked around to see where he was for he wasn’t behind his desk, as I’ve I always found him when I come in here. I searched around, behind his desk again, all corners of the large room and I finally saw him bending behind a stack of books. My father’s study is basically a library; it just has a huge desk at the back where he does his ‘Leader of the Coven’ stuff. That’s where I get my obsession of books from, just like I get many other traits from him.

“Hi dad,” I curtsied to him. In every coven, there is a leader and to us that leader is the king or queen, but we do actually have a king, called High King. “How are you today?”

“I’m fine, thank you for asking. How are you?”

“I’m really good,” I clenched my fists as I said this, I was really good.

“And why is this?”

“That’s why I’m here,” I moved closer to him. “You know that guy that I’ve had a crush on forever?”

“Yes, how can I forget? You mention him every day,” he grinned and I smiled.

“Well, today he asked me to go to the movies with him, tonight. Can I please go?”

He looked at me for a while, doing nothing but stare without a facial expression. I knew how this worked. You had to stare back and show no emotion as well, if you stare long enough, he’ll give you what you want. I found out this neat little trick when I was seven years old.

“Of course you can go, but be home by 9:00.”

“I will, thanks daddy,” I ran into his arms and kissed him on the cheek.

“Be careful though,” he said, whilst patting my back.

“You know I can look after myself,” I rolled my eyes.

“I know that, but I mean, you a still a new vampire. Be careful of the blood lust.”

“Already taken care of, I went hunting about an hour ago,” my father pulled back from me and smiled.

“Good girl,” just then the doorbell rang. I glanced at my dad’s clock and it read 5:30.

“That must be Caleb,” I gave my dad one last hug and ran out the door, before anyone (like my mum) could get the door. I saw my little brother, Bobby, walk towards the door, but before he could open it I grabbed him under the arms and using my vampire speed, I placed him back in his room and ran back to the door. I opened it to a grinning nervous and handsome Caleb and I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

He was wearing a battened up dark blue shirt, the soft thin sort of fabric, black pants that look like they could fall off any second and white, blue and black sneakers. It looks like he had the same problem as me, with what to wear tonight. In my opinion, he did perfect. But then again, he was cute and hot enough to pull off the worst of outfits.

“H-Hi C-Claire,” he stuttered. It was so cute seeing him this nervous. “You look pretty tonight.”

“Thanks Caleb, you look good yourself,” I blushed. “Do you want to come in or do you want to go now?”

“If you’re ready, I would prefer to go now,” he glanced behind him, looking out at, my guess, his car.

“OK, let’s go then.” Caleb backed away so there was enough room for me to get out the door and shut it behind me. Just before I shut and locked the door, I yelled out, “Bye dad, be back later!”

I hosted my bag up high on my left shoulder so I could grip my coat better, while I followed Caleb as he led the way to his… black Ford Falcon! That’s better than what I can afford, although I don’t need a car nor do I won’t one, but still.

He opened the car door for me and shut it once I got in before he went around to his side and got in himself. “Nice car,” I said.

“Thanks, my dad got it for me about a month ago,” he blushed, although I don’t know why, but it was still cute. I found myself gazing into his eyes, not saying anything just staring. Caleb glanced over at me, caught my eye and blushed more. He started to lean forward, so was I, but then I realised what he was doing and I looked away. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, let’s just go,” I snapped. I instantly regretted saying so harshly, but what could I do about it now. I don’t even know why I turned away; there was just this voice in the back of my head yelling, ‘No, you can’t kiss him.’ “Sorry,” I mumbled to him.

“That’s alright,” he smiled at me. “What would you like to see?”

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