Chapter Three

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                Using my vampire speed, I made it into class before anyone else was even within five metres of the door way. No one was surprised to see that I was already sitting down in my seat, at the back right hand corner, but nobody really knows why I got here so quick. When I move, I’m like a blur, but only just.

                I looked towards the door and my heart speed up to a thousand beats a minute. Caleb had just walked through the door, it turned into a movie and the world slowed down as he slowly turned his head to star deep into my dark blue eyes. I then realised that the world hadn’t slowed down, but Caleb had actually stopped moving and he was standing right in front of me.

                “I-Is this s-sit taken?” he mumbled. I looked to my left, where a spear seat always sat.

                “No, it isn’t,” I replied. Looking back at Caleb, I expected him to run off to his friends with the seat, but what he did was unexpected. He leaped over the table with such grace that my hands started to sweat; he landed right next to me and sat down, without him taking his eyes off mine. “What are you doing, nobody sits near me.”

                “Obviously not everyone,” he grinned, I could now see that his brave and giddy self was back. I just rolled my eyes at his comment and faced the front once more. “What?”

                “I didn’t say anything,” I shrugged my shoulders.

                “I know that, but you rolled your eyes.”

                “Did I?”

                “Yes, what was that about?

                I shrugged again, “Nothing.”

Caleb scoffed, “Fine, whatever.”

I looked down at my art book, that I had grabbed out earlier and started to draw. I couldn’t draw Caleb, like I wanted to, so I decided to draw myself, but in animal version. Every born vampyre has the gift to be able to turn into one creature, we don’t choose, but our great ancestors choose for us.

In my case, my animal is an Artic Fox, my sister Lucy is, no surprise, is a Panther. I guess because she is a gothic bitch, my vampire ancestors gave her a scary black creature to turn into. My mum is a White Tiger and my dad is an Eagle, but we don’t know what my little brother’s animal is because he’s too young to turn into one yet.

“You’re very good at that,” whispered Caleb, loud enough so that only I could hear. I look over at him and see him looking at that head of my drawing of my animal form. I nodded my thanks and looked at his own drawing. It was an incredible picture of a wolf. The toning and shade of it made me feel like mine looked like crap, although it didn’t. My guess is that from that dark shading of the wolf, it would most likely be a dark brown wolf or even black.

“Yours is good to,” I pointed my pencil at his wolf.

“Thanks,” he blushed. I turned back to my paper.

I turned back to my picture and noticed a piece of paper in the middle of the page. I looked around, but every seemed completely oblivious of it. I grabbed for it and held it out under the table, from human eyes, while I read it: Wait for me in front of your locker; I need to ask you something.

My heart stopped.

Who the hell gave me this, and when? I was supposed to be a vampire with super hearing and all that. No one was supposed to be able to snick up on me and place a piece of paper on my work without me realising it.

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