Chapter Ten

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Claire’s pov

                I cannot believe that I bit Caleb, but I just couldn’t help it. It felt so good, having his that close and I guess I was just a bit hungry. After I bit him, I wanted so bad; to erase the incident from his mind, but something in my mind told me that he needed to know. I guess it also had something to do with the fact that I was in so much shock. I have only ever bitten one other person and that was some stranger, when I first became of age, when I first started to become a vampire.

                I wanted to stay home from school today, so I wouldn’t have to face Caleb, but to do that I would have to tell my parents why I wanted to stay home. I couldn’t lie and say I was feeling sick because vampires don’t get sick, unless they’re dying. You do not want other vampire to think you’re sick, it never ends well for the sick and dying one.

                I avoided all of my family this morning, when I got up. It turned out that I didn’t need to worry about them figuring out that something was wrong. My dad had already left, something about a coven problem, mum was ignoring me as always, Bobby, my little brother, didn’t understand human or vampire emotions and Lucy had left for a job interview before school. No one noticed that I was distant.

                I didn’t want to catch the bus to school or get mum to drive me, so I walked, just like I usually do every other day. I walked as slow as I could, but not too slow as I would miss school, just slow enough that I would arrive at my locker as soon as the bell went for first period. I plan on avoiding Caleb for as long as possible. Hopefully that will be all day.

                I finally arrived at school, just as the bell went. I saw Caleb as soon as he saw me. My guess is that he was waiting for me, because he was right out the front of the school, looking around and stopped when he saw me. He started over to me, but when a huge group of gossiping girls walked by, I ran at full speed toward the next door, away from him.

                That’s how I spent the day, walking around all miserable like until I saw Caleb, than I would run like the devil himself was behind me. It didn’t work as well as I would’ve liked, I had two classes with Caleb today. Maths, which was OK, seeing as how Mrs Thatcher places us as far away from each other, but art was going to be a problem. Mr Treaty, my art teacher, didn’t care who we sat next to, just so as long as we did work. Well, if Caleb wants to talk to me, which is just to freaken bad. I’ll compel him if I have too.

                Caleb was already sitting down when I walked into art, which was unnatural. Normally I’m the first one in. I sat as far away from him as I could, but I didn’t work. Caleb just got up and walked over to sit next to me.

 I turned to compel him to leave me alone, but found that I couldn’t. I tried as hard as I could, but either my powers were fading or Caleb was immune to it. I realised that Caleb was staring at me, not in disgust, like I thought he would be, but in admiration.

I turned away from him and opened my art book and it just happened to be the page where I drew me in my animal form. I tried to turn the page, but Caleb’s big strong hand stopped me.

“You’re a vampire.” He didn’t say it as a question, but I nodded in reply anyway. “I knew there was something about you.”

“Is that why you asked me out in the first place?” I hissed. It would make sense why.

“No, I asked you out because…” he paused. I looked deep into his eyes until he continued. “Well, two reasons actually. One, I really do like you, maybe even more than that and the second reason is that… I can’t tell you right now, but after school I will tell you everything about me that makes the fact that you’re are vampire seem less, complicated.”

“What could be more complicated than drinking blood every day, losing the taste of food, having fangs and the fact that I bit you last night?” I could barely breath, I was panting. I felt Caleb’s hand in mine and I instantly calmed down. I may be scared of what I did to him, but I will never be able to say no to how perfect he feels on my skin.

“Trust me,” he whispered in my ear. “Meet me after school and I’ll show you.” We said nothing after that. I didn’t even say if I was going to meet him or not. I was of course, but I didn’t say.

* * *

I waited outside school, just along the tree lines leading into the forest. Caleb arrived soon after I did. We didn’t say anything, but Caleb grabbed my hand and I followed him into the trees. After walking for ten minutes, Caleb came to a stop and I paused next to him. He dropped me hand and walked a few metres away from me, when I made to follow he said, “Don’t, I’m going to need room to show you.”

I was too weirded out to say anything, so I just stepped back and watched as he pulled his black jacket off, along with his shoes, shocks, shirt and pants. I didn’t say anything during the process of this entire losing cloths thing. When Caleb stood in front of me with nothing but his boxer shorts, something happened.

The air and energy around Caleb’s body started to shift and move. I slight glow appeared around him. Not blinding, like a torch, more like a golden glow in the dark toy. Caleb crouched down onto his hands and feet. The next thing I knew, Caleb disappeared and in his place sat a black wolf with Caleb’s golden eyes. He’s the wolf that attacked me in my animal form.

The Caleb wolf trotted over to me and rubbed up against my legs. The glow appeared again and Caleb stood up from where he sat as a wolf. I stared at him, admiring the fact that I could see all of him and I did mean all of him. I noticed that he was also aroused just by looking at him and I only just managed to keep my smile from reaching my mouth.

“You’re a werewolf,” I managed to gasp out after a few moments.

“And you’re a vampire,” he said calmly.

“I’m different from the stories you hear.”

“How so?”

And to prove just how different I was, I shed off all my cloths, including my underwear and aware that Caleb was watching my every move. No glow happened with me; I just faded into an Artic fox. I looked up high, so I could see Caleb’s reaction and it was not of surprise. He knelt down beside me and scratched me behind my ears, a place I love to be scratched.

I jumped up onto Caleb, causing him to fall back onto his jacket that he tossed on the ground. I sat on his stomach, just above his hard self and shifted back into human form. I placed my hands on either side of his head and slid my body down his own, causing him to moan out my name. Caleb flipped me over, so he sat atop me and held my hands above my head with one hand while his other hand slid slowly down my body. He slid it past my breasts, past my bellybutton, all the way to my groin where he used his fingers to tease my entrance.

He stroked until I screamed out his name, begging him to enter me. He plunged his fingers into me and started pumping. I rocked my hips up and down, riding on them. Caleb breathed heavily on my neck, sending sparks through my body. When I thought I couldn’t take Caleb’s fingers anymore, I orgasmed. I held myself off, so wouldn’t bit him again and stop the pleasure.

Caleb pulled his fingers out of me and held himself over me, just so that I could feel his erection at my entrance. I looked up at him with pleading eyes and he plunged himself inside me for the first time. I arched my back, so he could go deeper. He pulled back only so plunge back in. he repeated this, going faster and faster, building up my next orgasm.

“Don’t!” he yelled, when he could sense that I was hanging on the edge. I did as he says, but when I couldn’t hold it any longer he screamed out, “Now!”

Caleb and I had cum at the same time.

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