Inevitable Truths

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Most of the time,

I'm numb to the idea of death

I mean, everybody dies,

We are all dying

It's the inevitable truth.

I know how it feels to lose a loved one

I have lost loved ones

I miss them

But I don't feel much about death anymore.

The thing is,

when someone dies, 

I am numb at first

then in some cases, it works its way through

and though I may not cry at first

I start to hurt.

I start to hurt for the days that that person won't be seen

I start to hurt for the people who were family with that person

I start to hurt for the plans unfulfilled

The days unseen

The memories that never were created.

Life goes on,

that's another inevitable truth

a cold-hearted inevitable truth.

Someone goes and we stay

We stay and we live

Walking through the paths the lost once treaded on

We stay and our lives continue

Slowly, gently, we do what we have to

But there's still something

There's still that thing inside of you

Pinching at your heart

That thing that sticks with you

letting you know that for as long as you live

you will miss the one you loved

You may stop crying

You may stop fretting

You may stop looking behind you in search of that person

But you will never forget that person

Disagreements occur

Another inevitable truth?

It occurs, it builds, fights happen, distance grows

But love still exists

Love, the rope that's always attached to you and that person

The rope that stays attached no matter how far you're apart

It never goes. It never ceases.

Even after death,

love still exists

an inevitable truth.

I may be rather numb,

but I still feel it

I still feel the pain

I still long for the days

I know there's the chance that I'll see them again

and I try to grasp it

I try to reach for it and never let it go.

I have hope

Don't we all?

Another inevitable truth.

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