Chapter One

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Excuse all errors!!


*Omniscient POV*

It was only 1 o'clock in the afternoon and Onika was still sleeping in her bed. It was Saturday and she didn't have a job or care in the world. She only went to school three times a day since she was new to the whole college life. Onika just turned 19 a few months ago and just started searching for a job. With a Mom and Dad as strict as her parents she knew better but didn't seem to care that much. She was still unsure about what she wanted to do with her life. She's never been the one to think about the future, she was more of a go with the flow type of person until her parents gave her an ultimatum. Either you go to college or you can get out. They didn't see the point of having their grown daughter in their house being lazy and not thinking about what's next. They were both college graduates who wanted the same for their daughter. Since Onika decided to go to college the next thing they wanted for her was for her to get a job. They were tired of seeing their daughter home 4 days a week and they were desperate to get her out of the house and start working.

"Its 1 in the afternoon Onika. Why are you still sleeping?"

(Mama Carol asked as we made her way into her room. She was more of the nicer parent while her Dad Robert was more hands on and strict. If it was up to her Mom she'd probably be at home carefree sleeping all day while her Dad wanted his daughter to be working instead of sleeping all day.)

Onika: "Mom I'm tired"

(She mumbled with the covers still covering her entire body.)

Mama Carol: "Well your Dad said you should get up its too late to still be sleeping"

Onika: "I knew it was him. You're always being his messenger"

Mama Carol: "You should be happy about that. You know how he gets when he's the one waking you up. I'm tired of hearing the back and forth between you two. So just get up and start the job hunt. Didn't you say you were gonna start this weekend?"

Onika: "Yes but its not many jobs here in Philly. I just started college so they hardly have jobs for kids straight out a high school"

Mama Carol: "Well it doesn't hurt to try Onika. You can't sleep your life away. You better find something to do. You're good with kids and animals you'll find something"

(She said as Onika sighed. She knew she promised to start job hunting today but she was not in the mood right now. She'd rather be sleeping than dealing with her Mom right now but she decided to do some job hunting online since it was Saturday.)

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