Chapter Nine

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I'm back I hope I still got you guys attention cause I'm still excited about this story and a few others. Even though my babies ain't together no more I decided to still finish up a few of my stories regardless so I hope y'all enjoy it. Now let's get back to the story.

Excuse all errors!!


*Onika POV*

After Na and Meek left Papi and I decided to stay in for a while until the sun went down. He wanted to watch cartoons meanwhile I still had a few homework to finish for school. While he sat in front of me watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse I couldn't help but to smile at his little glances that he would take occasionally. I knew he probably had a lot of questions even though he was a kid and I was going to try to answer anything he threw my way.

Me: "So do you have anything you want to say to me?"

(I asked breaking the awkward silence as he smiled while shrugging his shoulders.)

Papi: "Where's Aunty Na?"

Me: "She went home but I'm sure you'll see her soon"

Papi: "Is that why you're here?"

Me: "Yes I'm here to babysit you until your Dad gets back"

Papi: "Are you gonna leave like Aunty Na?"

Me: "Not if you don't want me to. Do you want me to leave?"

Papi: "No I like you."

(He said making his way over to my side of the couch as I sat up removing my laptop from off my lap making way for him to lay down.)

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