Chapter Seven

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Excuse all errors!!


*Meek POV*

After Onika left Na and I went over a few things that we both liked about her. It was still too soon to tell if she was the right choice but I could tell Na had a strong liking towards her. I didn't care about shit like this I would have been okay with Na doing this by herself since I trust her judgement but she needed a second opinion so I decided to sit in with her. We still had one more interview in a few minutes and then we'd be able to make a choice which should be pretty easy if you ask me. There was something that Onika was missing that I'm hoping this other person had. I didn't know what it is though.

Na: "Meek are you even listening to me?"

Me: "Nah what you said?"

Na: "I said Onika might be the one. I don't care about this next girl. There's something about her that seems genuine to me"

Me: "Kinda too genuine if you ask me but I hear yo"

Na: "Thank God I didn't ask you"

(She laughed as I shook my head at her antics. I want to be able to trust whoever I left my son with as if it was Na taking care of him so her opinion mattered more than anything.)

Me: "You swear you funny but I'm glad that you found someone that you like cause I know how hard it is to please you"

Na: "It's really not that hard I just know what I want and I'm very precise about it. And I know that Onika is the right pick for Pap"

Me: "I'll take your word for it but we still gotta go through with this interview. She's about to be here in a few so the least we can do is hear her out and see if there's something about her that you like more"

Na: "I doubt it but okay. I'll give her a try even though my mine is already made up"

Me: "That's good enough for me"

(I laughed as she went to grab us something else to drink and snack on. I had to be in the studio in a few days so I was hoping that we'd both get this over with and figure out schedules and allat. Na had to get back to her life in Jersey and as much as I wished she was staying here I knew I couldn't be that selfish with her. She's been by my side everyday since Chantelle's passing and now was her time to go live her life. I was a selfish nigga but I wasn't that selfish.)

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