Chapter Eleven

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*I'm back y'all 🤗 I know it's been a while but I'm starting to feel motivated again. Thx to those of u that are still here and love to those that just couldn't wait on me 😂 I still love y'all. Hope y'all enjoy ♥️*

*2 weeks later*

March 20th , 2019

*Onika POV*

It's almost been three weeks since I got the job to be Papi's babysitter and I was enjoying every minute of it. Papi was such a sweet kid and seeing Meek every now and then didn't hurt. I would be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive. God took his time with that man. By now everyone at my school knew about this new job of mine and it had all the groupies tryna be my friend. I was okay with the friends I currently had so I always minded my business when it came to Meek. He was a celebrity in my eyes even if he didn't think of himself as one. As I waited for Sherika & TT by  their classroom room Jenni came up to me being the fan she is. Jenni was the mean girl at school, yeah it's not just high schools that has mean girls.

Jenni: " Hey Onika. Haven't seen you around much. Must be too busy playing mommy."

(She smirked as I laughed in her face

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(She smirked as I laughed in her face. This is why I could not stand her. She went from being a Meek groupie giving me her number to give him to now mocking me doing my job.)

Me: "I could have sworn I saw you on Monday when you were being the groupie that you are."

Jenni: "Oh yeah I wouldn't call that being a groupie I just suggested that you watch your back because this new job of yours might get you hurt. Celebrities have the craziest fans girl."

Me: "If it you were really that concerned abou my well being I might have actually given Meek your number"

(I laughed watching that smirk fall from her face. She wasn't the first to give me her number and she wouldn't be the last. Of course I threw them all away. I was not about to have these fangirls ruin my first job. Not when I make so much.)

Jenni: "Whatever I'll just give it to him myself when I meet him."

Me: "Yeah keep that paper close to your pillow. I'd hate for you to lose it in your dreams."

"Tanya let's go. I'm tired of you entertaining groupies."

(Sherika yelled as she made her way towards me. She was right. I've been shutting these girls down left and right ever since I got this job. It's so weird to see these girls go so crazy over a guy that I didn't see as they did. They saw Meek as this celebrity while I just saw him as a human who's trying to heal and be a good father for his son. I guess that's how it feels to be a celebrity. Having people think of you as something that you don't see for yourself. If only they got to know the man on the inside that I'm getting to know slowly but surely.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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