Chapter Three

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Excuse all errors!!

(Painting of Chantelle in MM)

*Onika POV*

After filling out a few more applications I decided to take a quick shower since it was dinner time. Caiah didn't wanna let me go but he did after I bribed him with candy and his favorite Cartoon Go Diego Go. I really had him spoiled but I didn't really care he was my baby and I'll forever spoil him. I couldn't help but laugh at his little faces he was making while we were eating. He was 2 so he was able to feed himself even though sometimes he'd cause a mess. Mom had prepared one of our favorite Caribbean food, Curry Chicken and Rice & Beans. Caiah wasn't much of a rice person so he was eating his chicken with Mashed Potatoes and as expected he was causing a mess.

"Caiah you're suppose to be a big boy and you can't feed yourself"

(My Dad joked as Caiah laughed uncontrollably.)

Mama Carol: "He's still a baby"

Me: "Yes he is "

(I cooed as I fed him a little. He was always smiley and happy whenever I'd give him some attention.)

Robert: "He's 2 he ain't a baby. He's gonna be the man of the house soon"

Mama Carol: "Yeah 16 more years"

Robert: "Well he gotta learn from early"

Mama Carol: "He got over a decade to learn. He'll be fine eat your food before you choke"

Robert: "As if you wouldn't be the first to give me CPR"

Mama Carol: "Is he talking to you Nika cause he sure ain't talking to this Carol"

(She laughed bringing her attention to Caiah and I as she continued to ignore my Dad.)

Me: "Are they talking to us Caiah cause they sure ain't talking to us"

(I joked as Caiah started clapping his little hands.)

Mama Carol: "Don't do Mommy like that Caiah. Onika didn't spend 24 hours delivering you in the hospital"

Robert: "Here we go"

Mama Carol: "Yes here we go. Those were the longest hours of my life"

Robert: "Yes babe we know"

Me: "You've told us this like a 100 times but okay Mom"

Mama Carol: "And I'mma keep telling y'all till I'm tired"

(She laughed as we continued eating. My family was something serious but I loved them. I don't know what I'd do without them.)

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