Chapter Eight

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Excuse all errors!!


Wednesday Morning

*Onika POV*

Today was the day that I've been waiting for. To say I was nervous was an understatement. After getting ready for school I headed downstairs for breakfast that my Mom had prepared. She was beyond excited for me today, maybe more excited than I was and I was the one that was starting my first job.

Mama Carol: "Good morning love"

Me: "Morning Mommy. What you making?"

Mama Carol: "Your favorite Ackee and Saltfish"

Me: "Oh what's the occasion? You never make me this type of breakfast for me before unless it was something"

(I furrowed my brows at her as she smiled innocently.)

Mama Carol: "I'm just celebrating you finally having a job"

Me: "I bet you are. You guys finally got your wish. I don't have to depend on y'all no more"

Mama Carol: "Nika don't get carried away we're your parents we're gonna always be here for you. We just wanted you to find something else to do instead of study and sleep all the time"

(She said placing a plate of Ackee & Fried Dumplings in front of me.)

Me: "I understand Mom. Thanks and I'm happy to be finally getting out of the house. I was getting tired of fall lowkey"

(I joked as she rolled her eyes at me and poured me a glass of orange juice.)

Mama Carol: "You can never get tired of us so stop lying"

Me: "That's what you think"

Mama Carol: "That's what I know"

(She mumbled after fixing her plate and taking a seat in front of me. My Dad had already left for work and Caiah was out like a light and would normally get up in the afternoon so it was just the both of us having breakfast this morning.)

Me: "Anyways what do you got planned for today?"

Mama Carol: "Caiah's doctor appointment is at 1 so I have to get him there and then afterwards we're gonna go grocery shopping. I don't really have much to do today"

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