Chapter Four

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Excuse all errors!!!


*Meek POV*

After leaving the cemetery with Pap I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It's been 3 years and I finally felt like I was living again. I guess seeing Chantelle was what I needed to do not just for Papi but also for me. As I pulled into my driveway I noticed Pap sound asleep in his car seat. I'd be sleeping too if I just had to go through what he just went through. I hated that he didn't get a chance to know his Mom but I was hopeful that through different stories he'd feel like he's known her all his life. Chantelle and I had a lot of good times and a lot of bad times together but not once did we give up on each other. Being Meek Mill's fiancé wasn't the easiest job but she made it look easy.

"I knew he'd probably be sleeping by now so I wanted to help"

Me: "Take him I need to sit for a bit"

(I said to Na as I handed Papi to her. A lot of things were running through my mind I just needed sometime to think things through.)

Na: "What's up with you?"

Me: "Nothing I'm just thinking about how I'm finally gonna be able to move on after all this time"

Na: "And you deserve to. Its been 3 years Meek"

Me: "I know and I think I'm finally ready to do that"

Na: "I'm happy to hear that cause I wanted to be a matchmaker again"

(She said referring to her setting me up with Chantelle. I've always trusted Na when it comes to knowing the type of females I like cause she made a goods choice when she introduced me to Chantelle.)

Me: "I said it was something I was thinking about I didn't say I was ready to date right now."

Na: "Well I'm your sister and I know when you're ready and I think you are"

Me: "You've been telling me that I'm ready to find someone 10 months after Chantelle died Na"

Na: "Cause I wanted you to stop feeling so guilty and I don't think it was 10 months maybe a year but not 10 months."

Me: "Okay if 2 months make a difference"

(I mumbled as I headed upstairs to my room.)

Na: "Well I know you're ready so I'mma do what I do best"

(She yelled after me as I laughed a bit. I didn't even realize that she was following me.)

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