Chapter 1

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I woke up the next day to the sound of my alarm clock. I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It read 7:00. Kristen and Janie, who had slept over, groaned and pulled the covers over their heads. I smiled and stood up. I turned on the light, earning more groans, took a step back and sprang on the bed. They screeched and tried to push me off.

“Good morning, good morning, the sun is shining, the birds, are signing...” I said in a sing-song voice.


 They both yelled, finally pushing me off the bed. I landed on my back and laughed.

“Fine, but hurry your bums because we have a volleyball game in one hour.” I said, standing up.

 I picked up my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I put on my sports bra and my spandex-like bathing suit bottoms. They were both yellow and both had the bombs written on it with a volleyball replacing the O. I pulled my soft grey sweatpants over my bottoms and a baggy shirt with one of the sleeve that fell down my shoulder. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and looked in the mirror. “Good enough” I thought. I walked out of the room to find Janie and Kristen applying thick layers of makeup.

“Glad to see you girls are up.” I smiled and grabbed my bag from the ground. I glanced at the clock. 7:30. I snatched my IPod from the bedside table and headed for the door.

“Come on, girls. We have to go, we’re walking there.”

 They sighed but grabbed their bags and headed up the stairs.

“Morning misses Fitch.” Kristen said as I grabbed the orange juice from the fridge. I poured three glasses and gave one to Janie and Kristen.

“Good morning girls. Did you sleep well?” I smiled.

“I know I did.” I glanced over at my friends sitting beside me. “But I’m not so sure about them. They were still talking when I fell asleep. I fell asleep at around 1h30.”

 Janie opened her mouth to say something but Kristen beat her to it.

“We did not talk that much!” I smiled.

“Yeah, and you were knocked out cold at, like, 10h00, 10h30 to the latest.”

 Janie added between two gulps of juice. I laughed and chugged down the rest of my juice. I grabbed my backpack from the ground and skipped towards the door, grabbing an apple from the table on my way there.

“Bye, Tara!” I said, opening the door.

“Yeah, have a good day misses Fitch.” The girls said as they followed me outside.

“Bye, you girls have fun.” Tara said, drying a plate and putting it neatly in the plate drawer.


“So, what happened yesterday?”

 Kristen asked, playfully pushing me with her arm. We were sitting beneath a parasol beside the volleyball court, waiting for the Sharks Vs. Ladies game to finish so that we could start our game. I picked up a handful of sand and let it seep through my fingers. I smiled, but not at the thought of Nate. No I was smiling at the thought of that Declan guy.

“Did you guys kiss?” Janie said, making kissy faces at me. I shook my head, annoyed.

“No, actually, nothing happened.” They sighed. “Well, except for the fact that I got body checked by a guy on the beach” They looked at me, stunned.  I tried not to laugh at how stupid it sounded.

“You... What?” I started laughing and so did they. I heard someone clearing his throat and saw Nate standing in front of us with Caleb and Drew.

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