chapter 3

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 I was ready. I had on my running shoes, a pair of shorts and a pink sports bra. I flicked on the TV and watched the news for a while, just waiting for Declan to call me. I saw this commercial about Celine Dion’s new concert in Las Vegas and felt myself smiling. Man did I wish I could meet her... I watched as clips of her best and worst moments flashed across the screen. I looked at the clock. It was already 2:00. Did he forget? I thought, already making my way downstairs to change. My phone started ringing when I reached the door to my room. I picked it up and smiled.

“Hello?” I answered, making my way upstairs.

“Hey! Fea, it’s me, Declan. Are you ready to go now?” I laughed

“I was just waiting for you to call! I’ll meet you at the volleyball court #3, ok?”

“yep, I’ll see you then!” He hung up and I put the phone and the kitchen table.

“I’m going for a run, okay?” I said as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Okay” Tara said, still reading her newspaper.


“It’s about time!” I said as I saw Declan walking towards me. He laughed.

“Sorry, I live pretty far from here compared to you” I cocked my head to the side.

“How do you know where I live?” He winked

“I don’t, I just guessed you live closer.” I laughed

“Good guess.” I attached my water bottle to my short and stretched.

“So, you ready to go?” I said, looking at him while stretching my legs. He nodded

“I was born ready”

“Okay then, let’s go!” I grabbed his arm and started running on the beach. We were silent for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. The soft sand made my feet sink a little with each step I took, and the sun was warming the skin on my shoulders and back. I had one earphone in my ear, listening to Celine Dion songs, the other dangling on my side.

“I take it you took a shower” Declan said, smelling loudly. I shook my head.

“Yeah, I did.” He smiled.

“Good, because when we finish running, I was planning on grabbing a bite. What do you think?” He was looking in front of him, not daring to look at me. I nodded

“sure, that sounds good”


We had been running for 30 minutes already. I looked at Fae and saw she wasn’t even tired yet.

“Do you want to go eat now?” I finally asked, feeling like my legs were going to fail me soon.

“let’s stop under the pier, it’s not far from here, about 2 minutes if we run a bit faster” I nodded.

“sure, the restaurant is in front of the pier anyways” We picked up the pace a little and headed straight ahead. I saw the pier and smiled.

“I’ll race you there!” I said as I started sprinting towards the pier.

“Oh no, you won’t!” She said, running after me. We arrived under the pier at the same time, and I threw myself on the soft cool sand. She sat down beside me, catching her breath.

“well, that was a nice run” She said, laying down, her head beside mine. I smiled and turned to face her.

“Yeah, it was a good run” She stood up and dusted to sand off her spandex’s.

“I’m hungry, where did you want to take me?” I looked at my watch, It was already 3:30.

“Maybe we should go rinse ourselves off at the public showers before we go.” She laughed but nodded. She helped me up and we walked towards the showers. I followed her until the shower doors then let go of her hand and headed into the men showers while she made her way into the lady's.  


Ok, so I know not many people are reading this story,,, but for those who ARE reading it,,, do you like it so far? Or do you think I should change some stuff, add more detail, anything?

PLEASE let me know what you think of the story! :) And Thank you for reading ! :) <3

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